SPORTS PERFORMANCE: Nutritional Support Protocol

submitted by: admin on 03/04/2025



While is is very important to consume the raw materials in our diet to produce sufficient energy (ATP) to be able to exercise, there are also particular nutrients that are important in enhancing athletic performance that can be obtained in special diets or with supplemetation. For optimal performance in sport it is important to prepare physically, biochemically, mentally and emotionally.



*Dr. Saputo recommends the Lifestyle, Dietary, and Supplement protocols listed below as considerations for Sports Performance Protoclos. All the information on this site is intended solely for educational purposes exclusively for your health care practitioner to consider with you. It is neither ethical nor appropriate for any health care practitioner to give medical advice to anyone who is not their patient.


SPORTS PERFORMANCE: Nutritional Support Protocol


Lifestyle Recommendations:


1.  Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.


2.  Participate in a regular balanced exercise program that includes wearing a pedometer to ensure that you collect steps and move more. High intensity short bursts (20-60 seconds) of activity during the day is recommended to enhance growth hormone release. Also engage in resistance training that works all major muscle groups (work each group at least 2 times a week). Avoid over-training. It helps to include calming exercise such as yoga, tai chi, and stretching.


3.  Avoid consumption of allergic foods. 


4 Practice good sleep habits and get between 8-9 hours of sleep a night for recovery. Take Dr. Saputo's Insomnia Assessment and follow the Insomnia Nutritional Support Protocol if needed.


5.  Dr. Saputo also recommends you take our Exercise Assessment


Dietary Recommendations:


1.  Get a balance of omega 3's (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines) and omega 9 fats (olive oil, olives, almonds, hazelnuts, avocados).


2.  Stabilize blood sugar by eating protein at every meal including fish, chicken and lean meat.


3.  Avoid hydrogenated vegetable oils and fried foods.


4 1-2 scoops of PaleoMeal or Whey Cool after workouts will aid muscle gain.


5.  Do not skip meals.


6.  Dose protein per ideal FFM (fat free mass) goals - 3/4-1g per lb. of ideal FFM.


Supplement Recommendations:



Twice Daily Essential Packets: 1 packet with breakfast & 1 packet with lunch


KreAlkalyn Pro: 1-2 capsules per day


Chromium Synergy: 1 capsule with each meal


Ribo-CarniClear: 1 teaspoon in water prior to exercise and 1 teaspoon after exercise


For extra protein consider:


Amino Acid Synergy: 4-8 caps pre-workout


Whey Cool: 1-2 scoops mixed in grape juice post-workout


For extended exertion exercise with excessive sweating consider:


Electrolyte Synergy: 1-4 scoops daily in water as needed


Get a FREE 15 minute nutritional consultation with Geoffrey Marx, NC


When creating a supplement program that includes more than a few supplements, it can be very helpful to have the support of a trained nutritionist to create a protocol that can fulfill your specific needs. This can be especially helpful when addressing one or more health concerns.

Here at our goal is to assist you in developing a program that simplifies your supplement needs but still addresses each of your issues rather than sell you loads of products. Whenever you purchase products, offers a FREE 15 Minute Consultation with Geoffrey Marx, NC, or one of his colleagues by telephone.

Click Here To sign up for a FREE consultion

Click Here If you are interested in a Full Consultation with a detailed Report of Findings with Geoffrey Marx, NC




Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Lifestyle is our most powerful medicine, is safe, and within our control to use. Even our genetic code, DNA, is clearly modifyable through lifestyle practices. Our belief system also has a powerful effect on our health; examples are provided. Phamacological drugs can be lifesaving, but compared to lifestyle medicine they are usually minor players.


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