The polypill is a brainstorm of the pharmaceutical companies to create a combination of drugs to make it convenient to take multiple medications. However, their real motive is to sell as much drug as possible. Consequently, they have done research under the guise of convenience but with the hope that they can convince the public and the medical profession to go along with taking a pill that has as many as five pills in it! The "heart polypill" is a combination of a diuretic, statin, beta blocker, aspirin and folic acid. The "pre-diabetes polypill" is a combination of a statin, ACE inhibitor antihypertensive, aspirin and metformin.
The real intent is to promote these pills for the primary prevention of heart disease, hypertension, and of type 2 diabetes. However, the side effects of these concoctions is extensive and make little sense. Lifestyle is our best and most powerful treatment to prevent these diseases!