The Radiation Crisis in Japan: How to Protect You and Your Family From Radiation Poisoning

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013










How You Can Protect Yourself from Radiation

It is becoming clear that the consequences of the Fukushima nuclear disaster could be catastrophic because the system protecting the more that 11,000 spent fuel rods that must be constantly cooled has been jeopardized. Just one curie can be fatal and there is a total of 336 million curies of energy in these rods; 134 million is in the form of cesium 137. This is somewhere between 10 and 85 times what happened in Chernobyl. Almost no cleanup has been done and none is planned that we know about. The fallout is poisoning our food, water, air, soil, sea and sea life. It is imperative that we prepare to protect ourselves and our loved ones from this potential radiation damage.

This information is intended to be educational and is not intended to be treatment. Treatment should be supervised by a qualified health care practitioner. While these are guidelines Dr. Saputo uses for his own patients, he cannot give medical advice to anyone who is not his patient.


How much radiation does it take to make us sick?

  • Six Gray units (one gray unit is equivalent to one Sievert or 100 RADS) can be lethal and just one Gray is enough to cause acute radiation sickness that is characterized by nausea and vomiting within 6 hours of exposure.

What are the symptoms of acute radiation poisoning?

  • Intestinal destruction that leads to nausea, vomiting, and diarrrhe within a few hours or exposure
  • Bone marrow failure that causes bleeding and immune suppression that leads to infections within a week or two

What is the mechanism of radiation poisoning?

  • Ionizing radiation destroys tissue by causing free radicals to form
  • Antioxidants prevent the free radical destruction by neutralizing them before they can cause pain and swelling and autoimmune and chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer
  • Antioxidants are depleted when there is free radical stress, which causes a deficit in our cells' ability to repair cellular damage
  • Thus, it is critical to keep large amounts of antioxidants in our body
  • Remember that regular intense exercise is the best way to increase you antioxidant levels, so stay fit!

What foods can help protect us against radiation damage?

  • Foods rich in sulfur such as garlic, onions, ginger, brassica veggies, and eggs; they make glutathione, the most important intracellular antioxidant in the human body
  • Foods rich in ECGC that is found in green and white teas
  • Juicing is the most potent nutrition you can consume because it is nutrient dense and rich in antioxidants (especially berries)
  • Fermented foods that are rich in probiotics such as sauerkraut and yogurt
  • Sea vegetables that include seaweed salad, miso soup, water cress, and kim chi

What supplements does Dr. Saputo recommend?

  • Vitamin A 5000 IU per day plus beta carotene 25,000 IU per day
  • Vitamin E 800 IU per day
  • Vitamin D3 10,000 IU per day
  • Lipoic acid 100 mg per day
  • Vitamin C 2-3 grams three times a day (if you can tolerate more safely you can consider to bowel tolerance...check how to do this on the website)
  • Quercetin 1000 mg three times a day
  • Resveratrol 500 mg per day
  • Zinc 25 mg per day
  • Selenium 100 micrograms per day
  • Whey protein 30-50 grams per day
  • L-glutamine 3 grams three times a day
  • Probiotics twice a day
  • Iodine if exposed to I 131 (see below)

Do you need iodine and how much?

  • If you're exposed to iodine 131 it is good to take about 65 mg of iodine in the form of SSKI for adults and half that for kids. If exposure is prolonged it is important to supplement with one grain a day of desiccated thyroid as well

Once you are exposed to radiation what can you do?

  • Follow the advice that is above
  • Avoid further exposure by washing clothing and shoes because about 80% of your exposure is on your clothes





How to Achieve Nutritional Victory

Mike Adams talks with Len Saputo, a board certified doctor of internal medicine and the founder of the Health Medicine Forum, a non-profit educational foundation. Dr. Saputo will talk about health issues related to the Fukushima disaster.












How to Protect Against Radiation (Video)

The Fukushima nuclear reactor disaster is the worst in the history of the world. And it is far from over. There are 11,000 spent fuel rods in danger of melting down and exposing the northern hemisphere with more than 330 million Curies of radiation; 134 million Curies is from cesium 137. There has been no significant effort to decontaminate this disaster.

The danger to humans from radiation exposure is primarily from damage to the intestinal tract and the bone marrow because these are the most radiosensitive cells in the body. When the balance between free radical production from radiation exceeds our antioxidant capacity, we develop pain and inflammation that leads to chronic diseases including cancer and autoimmune disorders.

We can protect ourselves with antioxidant rich foods that contain sulfur, so our cells can manufacture glutathione and other antioxidants. Examples include garlic, onions, ginger, cruciferous veggies, eggs, ECGC, juicing, and sea vegetables that include seaweed salads, miso soup, kim chi, and water cress. We can also benefit from supplements that include vitamins, A, C, E, D3, lipoic acid, resveratrol, quercetin, l-glutamine, protiotics, and sometimes, iodine.


How to Protect Against Radiation (Video)

What You Need to Know About Radiation Exposure

with Russell Jaffe, MD, PhD




The radiation disaster in Japan is a serous problem in Japan, but not in the US yet. The levels of exposure up to this point have been diluted sufficiently that it is only a minor issue for those of us who live on the west coast. The best treatment is the use of antioxidants to combat the ionizing radiation such as natural vitamin E, selenomethionine, vitamin C, silymarin, beta carotene, and co-enzyme Q10. It is the lack of antioxidants that leads to radiation damage.


What You Need to Know About Radiation Exposure (Audio)


In this explosive video below, Dr. Saputo interviews Harry Jabs, MS, Dipl. Physics about what happened and what we face in Fukushima.




Fukushima Radioactive Rain falls in Toronto,Canada at DANGEROUS levels (20 000 CPM) Aug 14 2011 re upped because this one will probably disappear and everyone needs to see it share it with the neighbor that's still in denial of the fallout in the rain at high levels thanks to all the people taking readings.





Thousands of Japanese forced to evacuate their homes by the Fukushima nuclear disaster are facing the prospect of never being able to return.




Siemens abandons nuclear energy in favor of renewable following Fukushima disaster


(NaturalNews) A major, long-time player in the nuclear technology industry, Germany-based Siemens has announced that it is leaving the nuclear energy business for good. Citing "German society and politics clear position on ending nuclear energy," Siemens CEO Peter Loscher also referenced the ongoing Fukushima disaster in Japan as another reason why his company is switching to safer, more renewable technologies like wind and solar.

"The chapter is closed for us," Loscher is quoted as saying in Spiegel Online, concerning the company's withdrawal from the nuclear industry. "We will no longer be involved in managing the building or financing of nuclear parts."




Fukushima radioactive caesium leaks 'equal 168 Hiroshimas'


(NaturalNews) Japan's government recently estimated that the amount of radioactive caesium-137 released by the Fukushima nuclear disaster thus far is equal to that of 168 Hiroshima bombs.

Caesium-137 is a radioactive isotope of caesium which is formed as a fission product by nuclear fission. Like all radionuclides, exposure to radiation from caesium-137 results in increased risk of cancer. Everyone is exposed to very small amounts of caesium-137 in soil and water as a result of atmospheric fallout. Exposure to waste materials from contaminated sites or from nuclear accidents that disperse these radioactive materials into the air can result in cancer risks that are much higher than typical environmental exposures.

If exposures are very high, serious burns and even death can result. The magnitude of the health risk depends on exposure conditions or on factors such as the strength of the source, length of exposure, distance from the source and whether there was shielding between you and the source.


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Nearly half of children living in Fukushima region have radioactive iodine in their thyroid glands


(NaturalNews) An anonymous official from the Japanese government recently came forward with the startling results of radiation tests conducted on children shortly after the disastrous earthquake and tsunami struck the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility. According to the official revealed that 45 percent of children tested had radioactive iodine lodged in their thyroid glands.

The Japanese government's nuclear accident task force tested 1,149 children 15 and younger just a few weeks after the events of March 11. 1,080 of these tests were confirmed to be valid, and 482 of them, representing 44.6 percent of children, confirmed the presence of damaging radioactive iodine in their thyroid glands.

The thyroid gland, which is located in the front of the neck just below the larynx, is responsible for regulating the body's metabolism, producing necessary hormones for every tissue in the body, increasing protein synthesis, regulating oxygen consumption by cells, and balancing calcium.

This important gland, which is designed to uptake the nutritious, mineral version of iodine, can also uptake deadly radioactive iodine and other toxic chemicals like fluoride. When this occurs, the thyroid gland is unable to properly function, as hormone production becomes altered or inhibited. The end result is the potential development of a wide variety of diseases.

When questioned by numerous participants as to why it took so long to release the test results, the anonymous agent allegedly responded that radioactive iodine levels were below the government's threshold limit of 0.2 microsieverts (mSv), and thus not a significant health threat.

Radioactive iodine is actually used as a treatment for hyperthyroidism, also known as overactive thyroid, in order to slow functionality of the thyroid gland. Repeated or overexposure to radioactive iodine can lead to thyroid cancer, which in turn can destroy the gland entirely if not cared for.



Fukushima Is Continually Blasting All Of Us With High Levels Of Cesium, Strontium And Plutonium And Will Slowly Kill Millions For Years To Come


"One soil sample taking 25 kilometers away from Fukushima showed Cesium-137 exceeding 5 million becquerels per square meter. This level, of course, makes it uninhabitable by humans, yet both the Japanese and U.S. governments continue to downplay the whole event, assuring their sheeple that there's nothing to worry about. By their logic, since all the people are sheeple anyway, as long as the area is safe enough for sheep, it's also safe enough for the human population."



"By way of comparison, the Chernobyl nuclear disaster that occured in 1986 in the Ukraine, Russia- heretofore the worst nuclear disaster on record- burned for 10 days and cumulatively killed an estimated 1 million people worldwide. The Fukushima, Japan nuclear disaster has 5 nuclear reactors burning, 2 in partial meltdown and 3 in full meltdown- and they've ALL been uncontrollably burning since March 11th. Its been over 3 months and this nuclear disaster remains completely out of control. In fact, some industry estimates cite the possibility that these meltdowns will be contained (optimistically) in 1-3 years, at the very earliest.

The amount and intensity of the radioactive fallout from this particular nuclear disaster will assuredly kill hundreds of millions of people worldwide over time. Japan itself is, of course, the epicenter of this radioactive contamination that has spread out from these reactors."



Fukushima is now far and away the worst nuclear disaster in all of human history. Chernobyl was a Sunday picnic compared to Fukushima and the amount of cesium-137 released at Fukushima this year so far is equivalent to 168 Hiroshima bombs. The crisis at Fukushima is far, far worse than you have been told. We are talking about multiple self-sustaining nuclear meltdowns that will not be fully contained for years. In an attempt to keep people calm, authorities in Japan (and around the rest of the world as well) have lied and lied and lied. Over the months that have passed since the disaster began, small bits of the truth have slowly started to come out. Authorities are finally admitting that the area immediately surrounding Fukushima will be uninhabitable indefinitely, and they are finally admitting that the amount of radioactive material that has been released is far higher than initially reported. It is going to take the Japanese years to fully contain this problem. Meanwhile, Fukushima will continue to blast all of us with high levels of cesium, strontium and plutonium and will slowly kill millions of people around the globe for years to come.


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Workers at Japan's Fukushima plant say the ground under the facility is cracking and radioactive steam is escaping through the fissures. They also say pipes and at least one reactor were seriously damaged before the tsunami hit the area in March. RT talks to Christopher Busby of the European Committee on Radiation Risks.







In the video below, Dr. Len and Nurse VIcki discuss what happened in Fukushima. 



Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki on Fukushima (Video)


Health Challenges in Japan from Radiation
Russell Jaffe, MD, PhD



Any crisis offers the opportunity to learn and Japan's experience with radiation is not an exception. They already are doing a lot that is part of the reason why they already live 8 years longer than we in the US. They have a detoxification diet that is part of their routine lifestyle that includes sea vegetables and foods high in sulfur. In particular they consume ginger, brassica sprouts, garlic, onions, and eggs. Detox baths that include baking soda, epsom salts, and vitamin C are another powerful approach that supports wellness. "Fruits and veggies, seeds and nuts, herbs and spices and have a nice day" as our friend Ed Bauman coined, is an excellent lifestyle we should practice.

Health Challenges in Japan from Radiation (Audio)





What happened in Fukushima, Japan on March 11, 2011 may be the most sinister global disaster in the recorded history of our planet. The repercussions of this historic disaster will remain for centuries to come. The manifestations of nuclear radiation from the meltdown of the reactors in Fukushima will haunt humanity in ways that we'll only discover over time. The obvious poisoning of our food, water, and air is just the beginning of what is happening to humanity, animal and plant life, and the planet.

In an interview with Harry Jabs, a nuclear physicist with as masters degree from  Texas A&M and who has a Diploma in Physics from the University of Hamburg in Germany, we expose what had to have happened in Fukushima on March 11 and the weeks and months that followed. It is a shocking story that many cannot read without either disbelief or utter shock.

What happened that led to the suppression of this most critical story? What is being reported in the news is that the Japanese Women's Soccer Team won the world championships in Germany this past week. There is almost nothing in the news about the biggest disaster the planet has ever faced in its recorded history. Let's review the story of what actually happened on March 11th and in the weeks and months afterward that was for the most part either downplayed or withheld from international news. The power of the press, now that the Murdoch issue has been exposed and sensationalized, in making or breaking a story cannot be underestimated. It makes one wonder who is behind controlling the press, and for what reasons.

Every nuclear physicist knows that a meltdown of a nuclear power plant will occur within a few hours of the loss of cooling with water. It had to be absolutely clear that a meltdown had occurred in several nuclear reactors in Fukushima on March 11th because there was a loss of the water cooling system on that day. All of the complex failsafe backup systems that protect a nuclear plant from a meltdown failed. How this happened has never been disclosed in its entirety. Why?

Three explosions that were likely low-grade nuclear reactions that were purported to be caused by hydrogen. However, films of this explosion shown in the news are strongly suggestive of reactions that were far more violent than one would expect from hydrogen by itself. None of the reactors in Fukushima has been documented to be controlled. The spread of radiation through the air was the first evidence of nuclear contamination from  Fukushima. However, this was just a beginning. No one can exist in the vicinity of any of the six nuclear plants in Fukushima because of dangerous high levels of radiation. At this point, what could be done to prevent a complete meltdown of all six nuclear plants? If you can't get near it, how can you fix it? No living organism can get within miles of these plants to do the cleanup and containment that needs to be done to stop their ongoing contamination. Even worse, we know that several of these reactors are leaking radiation into the Pacific Ocean. There is obviously no way to control the leakage now or perhaps ever.

Chernobyl taught us many lessons about what a meltdown means. It took 500,000 Russian people to work to encapsulate the Chernobyl nuclear reactor to stop the spread of radiation. Many of them have died from complications of radiation poisoning and tens of thousands are suffering from radiation sickness. Japan has no mechanism that can accomplish this feat. Perhaps we're being encouraged to close our eyes and hope it will all go away... Maybe there are other more sinister reasons...

Our challenge now is to find ways to protect ourselves the best we can from this massive catastrophe. Building a powerful antioxidant defense system can do a lot to deal with low levels of radiation exposure. We can do this though diet, exercise, proper sleep, stress reduction, and taking antioxidant supplements. It is also possible to purify radiation contaminated water using an affordable reverse osmosis system. You can learn more about how to protect yourself from radiation on this page.

The dangers of nuclear power plants are now obvious. It is remarkable that there are dozens of them in the US and that many of them are built on earthquake faults and that they are vulnerable to natural disasters such as floods, tornadoes, tsunamis, and hurricanes. It is time that we take a careful look at what we have done and prepare for the future with more foresight.

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