An essay: what is it?

“The Voice of Reason” Blog
First of all, let us define what an essay is. An essay (from the French "essai" - "attempt, sample, essay") is a prose work of small volume and free composition, expressing individual impressions and considerations on a particular issue or question and knowingly not claiming to be an exhaustive answer. It is a new, subjectively colored word about something that has a philosophical, historical and biographical, journalistic, literary and critical, popular science or fiction.
The genre of custom papers reviews implies freedom of creativity. The beauty of it is that it can be written on any topic and in any style, i.e. about anything and any way, because an essay is your reflection on what you have heard, read, watched.
In terms of speech construction, an essay is a dynamic alternation of polemical statements, questions, the installation of colloquial intonation and vocabulary.
The essay as an essay genre actively invades the life of the student. The essay is offered as a qualifying paper, and not only where the subject area is literature and Russian, but also history, foreign languages. For a competent, interesting essay, it is necessary to follow some rules and recommendations.
In the foreground of the essay is the personality of the author, his thoughts, feelings, attitude to the world. This is the main setting of the essay. However, it should be remembered that despite the freedom of creativity, writing in the essay genre is not easy at all, because it is necessary to find an original idea (even on traditional material), an unconventional view of a problem.
Imagery, paradoxicality, aphoristic - these are the main distinctive features of the essay style. In order to convey a personal perception, mastering of the world, the author of the essay selects analogies; draws numerous examples; draws parallels; uses all kinds of associations.
The essay is characterized by the use of numerous means of artistic expression (metaphors, allegorical and parable images, symbols, comparisons).
The specificity of the essay genre is expressed by the following features:
1. The title of the essay is not directly dependent on the topic: in addition to reflecting the content of the work, it can be a starting point in the thoughts of the author, express the relationship of part and whole.
2. The free composition of the essay is subject to its internal logic, and the main idea of the essay should be sought in the "motley lace" of the author's reflections. In this case the raised problem will be considered from different sides.
3. if in the essay on a literary theme, a rational combination of analysis of a work of fiction with own reasoning should prevail, then in the essay - the author's position is clearly expressed.
4. If in a traditional essay the individual features of style and language of the author of essays are welcomed, in an essay the individual author's style is a requirement of the genre.



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