
Ask Dr. Saputo Blog

I have a dear friend from Romania.She has HCC and is on chemotherapy for a year now.They told her that she could not have a liver transplant.
I introduced her to your writing about Arteminisin.
The FDA approved drug can be found only at CDC! Do you know were else I can find it?
Are  herbal supplements similar or  with the same potency as the approved drug?Can you tell me the right dose regiment ?

Thank you very much,
Neculai Lovin

PS. I talked to her hepatologist and he is willing to help and monitor her.
He is also a specialist in infectious diseases (Malaria)and told me that in Romania they do not have the FDA approved drug.They treat malaria with a different drug.


System Administrator
August 18, 2015
Have a look at this URL for the information you want... http://www.doctorsaputo.com/a/artemisinin-part-2-how-to-use-it

Dr. Len
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