Mds too quick to reach for prescription pads

Dr. Saputo Wellness Programs Blog

US Doctors are too quick to reach for their prescription pads according to the Center for Patient Safety Research and Practice. Half of all Americans took at least one prescription drug during the previous month and 1/3 of all people over 6o take five or more drugs! Mds also tend to use the latest and greatest pills rather than those that have been time tested. Often what is bothering people can be resolved through lifestyle changes that include diet, exercise, stress reduction, etc. There are billions of dollars spent every year on drugs with unproven benefits. Lastly, it is difficult for MDs to get information about drugs that is unbiased.

To watch a video on this with Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki copy the link below


November 11, 2011
A Family Member of mine and others in the community became addicted to pain medication prescribed by the same Physician. These people were not addicted prior to their pain issues. This is a very danerous and serious issue, but yet this Physician continues to prescribe this large amount of pain medication. <br>It just doesn't make sense.
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