
Ask Dr. Saputo Blog

My wife has had 2 lots of breast cancer 19 years apart. With the last lot she had reconstructive surgery which went badly wrong. She now takes ARIMIDEX & to counter the hot flushes created by that also takes EFEXOR. We are very interested to get her off these tablets by using Artemsia annua. My question is; do you have anyone in Australia preferably South Australia her can supervise her treatment


June 30, 2014
Hi! I don't see artemisinin as a substitute for your wife's present treatment. However, it could be an addition if you, your wife, and her oncologist are in agreement that this is a good idea. It sounds like it could be. If you''ll respond to me at I'll forward information for you all that will help make the decision of whether or not artemisinin is a good idea.

Dr. Len
November 02, 2014
Dr Len
I now have a friend dianose with advanced mantle b cell non hodgkin's lymphoma. He is shortly having chemo but life expectancy is up to 2 1/2years. Can artemisia or its extracts help him & if so what doses etc& where can it be obtained in Ausrtalia or can you supply it. Also does he need to take iron. Thank you for your last lot of information for my wife.
Regards Bill Pexton.
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