Wellness/prevention: bone up with blueberries

Dr. Tim - Innate Wellness Program Blog

Compounds in blueberries might have a powerful effect on the formation of strong, healthy bones. Studies with rats suggest polyphenols, the compounds that give blueberries their blue, purple, and red coloration, might aid in building strong bones. Animals fed rations containing 10% freeze-dried blueberry powder had significantly more bone mass than their counterparts whose rations were blueberry-free.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2010


Ray Fontanes
October 15, 2011
I have a list of the "Dirty Dozen" It lists the fruits and veggies that you have to buy organic. Blueberries did not make the list but I was told the sprays can get thru the thin skin. How can we get our selves well if we have nothing left to work with? I may have to agree with Bruce Lipton on his extinction theory.
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