Why time management is pivotal to academic achievement

Dr. Saputo Wellness Programs Blog

Most students are terrified into a frenzy when tackled with essays. They are powerless to decide how to excellently manage their time in order to complete the set tasks. As a result, they delay and prolong their task which eventually leads to the quality of the essay to deteriorate.

·         Stress: When effective time management takes place, the stress levels alleviate. Therefore, students will be able to perform to the best of their abilities in other crucial tasks. Incessant stress can lead to fatigue, migraines, low levels of energy, exhaustion can lead to illness, which will eventually hamper your educational process. In order to avoid, these psychological representations of stress, spearhead the initiative to combat poor time management.

·         Extra- Curricular: As essays will start getting completed on time, it will create an opportunity for students to take part in other activities, which will help in stimulating and re-energising their brain. These activities will allow the students become more objective and clear in their concepts and perspectives as it will offer them some time to cool off from academic thinking. For example, being a part of the Drama club.

·         Cramming: Most students believe that they mug up all the relevant details of an exam a night before, this is a fallacy. Studying one night before will lower chances of retaining that information. As a result, of not completely comprehending the details, students tend to make poor choices and build defective blocks of knowledge. Altogether, this will cause damage to the students GPA and therefore their morale.  

In today’s age, when students are short of time they look towards, new breed of services which have spurred up in the digital world, students type’ essay writing service’, which provides them with disparate services, which offer custom essays where specifications are met.

·         Grasp: Just as procrastination is eliminated, students will have the convenience of learning up new skills and venturing into new avenues which will make them more knowledgeable. Having a more intellectually advanced mind is always a positive attribute to possess, as that makes the students more likable and valuable to professors and employers alike.

·         Better-Decision Making: When faced with stress and no time, students tend to make the wrong decision, as their decision-making ability gets hampered due to elevated anxiety levels. Hence, when students start doing activities as set per time, they will start experiencing better decision making and also more time to carefully draft out their thoughts regarding a decisive issue.

·         Successful: In order to achieve success in anything, time management is paramount. It creates advanced opportunities for you, as professors and in the future, your employers will take notice of your disciplined manner and therefore, will approach you when most needed. As student start to accomplish set tasks each day, it creates a pattern and boosts morale with the contributing factor of flourishing motivation.

·         Frustration: When unable to complete on task or inability to satisfy your professors, all this creates a feeling of frustration. Across all individuals, the feeling of irritation can cause debilitating effects upon the mood and morale of the student. Efficient and practical time management allows the students to work at their optimum.

Get-More Done: Rather than prolonging a task for three days due to procrastination, get over with it in one day. This reduces your workload and helps you rise over other students. Getting over with the work set in its specified time, allows you to sleep in a proper pattern. As sleep is essential for the body, that’s the time when the body and brain regenerate and rejuvenate which enables sound thinking.


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