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The Role of Stress in Our Lives with Francesco Garri Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 04/10/2015
Stress needs to be balanced; we need just the right amount or there is trouble. There is always a certain sense of chaos in our lives as human beings. Trust is necessary to have a life with reasonable quality. Life's lessons are opportunity for growth and development. The National Institutes of Health has shown that over 70% of all disease is caused by stress. ...

The World of the Person in Pain with John Leonard, PhD

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Pain causes a stress reaction as the first response. The world of the pain patient begins to shrink down and our capacity to function does too. It also shrinks the world of the important people in their lives. Ultimately this leads to depression and withdrawl.            

What are Energy Bodies, Part 2 with Debra Greene

submitted by: admin on 04/29/2024
The energy fields around the body are described. The emotional body's purpose is to connect with people and share our feelings; they can be too big or too small. Our mental body is related to how we think; thoughts are real "things." Thoughts are like magnets. The universal body beyond the other "bodies." The substance of the universal body is "consciousness."

What Does the Future and 2012 Hold for Humanity with Francesco Garri Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
According to ancient wisdom based on healing practices such as Qigong, when we worry about the future, we give away our Qi (chi). We live in an abundant universe and we have access to all of it at every moment. Embracing that we are Qi energy puts us in touch with the Universe. Many indigenous calendars, such as the Mayan one pointing to 2012, show that we're...

What is Meditation?

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
There is a great distinction about meditation as it is taught in our culture as a relaxation technique, as another form of therapy or an "upper class Valium." It is a path of inquiry, self understanding, and a method by which we return to the center of our being to discover the essence of the truth in our life and the essence of the beauty of existence...

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