More Polypill Baloney

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013


The polypill is the most ridiculous idea I've come across in years. It is designed to contain Norvasc, Cozaar, hydrochlorothiazide, and Zocor and is recommended for people over the age of 50 as prophylaxis for cardiovascular disease. It could be purchased over the counter and without seeing a physician!

The study done to justify this position had only 86 participants and they were followed for only 12 weeks. The authors had the audacitly to suggest that there would be a reduction of heart disease by 72% and stroke by 64%. The Public Library of Science should be ashamed of itself for publishing such rubbish. The incidence of serious side effects would likely be staggering.



More Polypill Baloney (Video)

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