Why Aging is a Mistake

submitted by: admin on 10/24/2013

While we all age, we do it at different rates depending on how well we take care of ourselves. Our chronological age (the number of years we have) is often quite different from our biologial age (how well our biology functions). There are examples of people who are over 80 but still function very well and others where someone 10 years old has the physiological function of someone 40-50 years old. 

How we live our lives makes all the difference. If we eat healthy, get plenty of exercise and sleep, have low levels of stress and exposure to toxic environmental chemicals, and weigh what we should, our biological age will be less than our chronological age and if it is vice versa, the opposite will be true. 

Raymond shares the secrets he wrote in his book, Never Feel Old Again




Why Aging is a Mistake (Video)

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