Dear Dr. Saputo, I have been taking LISINOPRIL for 7 years. After some years I got shortness of breath, too much sleep, redness in all my neck and some part of my face. Recently I got high cholesterol. I ask to the doctor to change it, he says this is the best medication for high blood pressure. I am still taking it. What to do? Is there any better medication for high blood pressure that does not affect my health ?
Thank you,
May 06, 2014
I agree with you...your doctor should discontinue lisinopril and try something else. It may not be a bad idea to go off the drug for a couple of weeks and see if you can find a drugless way to manage your blood pressure problem. This is not advice; I'm not your doctor...but it is something to run past your physician as an option. There are many approaches that are non-pharmacologic that you could consider.
I suggest you take the free "assessment" on hypertension on doctorsaputo.com to learn more about what is possible to manage your blood pressure without necessarily relying on drugs and discuss what you learn with your physician.
Good luck!
February 08, 2017