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Most Cancers are Preventable Today

submitted by: admin on 07/06/2016
An article published in Science Translational Medicine in March of 2012 concluded that 1/3 of all cancers were caused by smoking and another 20% from being overweight or obese. However, diet, exercise, sleep, and exposure to environmental toxins likely account for another 30-40% of all cancers. Genetic factors are not that common. The American Cancer Society...

New Guidelines for Treatment of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

submitted by: admin on 05/05/2015
The American Academy of Neurology has issued new guidelines for effective treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy. It involves the use of multiple drugs that include anti-seizure medications, antidepressants, and narcotics. While it is sometimes necessary to use this toxic polypharmaceutical approach, there are newer highly effective, safe, and affordable options...

Reciprocity and the Spirit of Christmas with Phillip Scott, MA

submitted by: admin on 09/16/2024
There are similar values between Christianity and the Native Way that Chief Black Horse shares. Christ is regarded as an awakened warrior who was a peace keeper and protector.

Selling Cancer Screening

submitted by: admin on 06/18/2016
  Medical professional groups and cancer advocacy groups need to refocus on educating rather than persuading about cancer testing. The harms of screening have been largely dismissed. It is easy to sell screening, just magnify the benefit, minimize the cost, and hide the data about their value. These tests are big business and there are conflicts...

Sensible Protection Against Skin Cancer

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  The American Academy of Pediatrics, the World Health Organization, and the American Academy of Dermatology are urging MD's to counsel fair-skinned youth about sun protection. They are pushing for tanning booth regulation for minors. The risk for vitamin D deficiency is highlighted. One person in 50 will get melanoma and there are 3.5 million skin...

Shifting Health Care to Healing with Davi Pakter, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/16/2024
There is a pressing need to move forward from a symptom relieving to a healing tradition. The Native American Tradition states that our leader is within, not outside. The time for the lone wolf is over; now we must enter a journey in the inside for the benefit of all. This Hopi poem is about love and letting go of the fear that separates us from all there is.

The Tragedy of American Healthcare

submitted by: admin on 11/08/2016
  THE TRAGEDY OF AMERICAN HEALTHCARE Len Saputo, MD Introduction: The New Terrain of American Health Care Over the past 25 years the practice of medicine has become a business, physicians have become employees, and patients have become commodities. Healthcare has become more standardized and doctors have been taught to treat “sets...

Truth and Consequences for the American Cancer Society Regarding Controversial Cancer Screens

submitted by: admin on 09/16/2024
          "A Return to Healing" Blog:  Fri, 10/23/2009 - 00:16 — BBelitsos Sometimes, in those rare moments—before the spin takes over—the unvarnished truth can escape from the mouths of genuine scientists who are otherwise ensconced in politicized medical bureaucracies....

What Does it Really Mean to Stand Up to Cancer

submitted by: admin on 09/10/2014
The widely viewed national television show, Stand Up to Cancer, that aired on September 5, 2014 featured dozens of movie stars and comedians, and was hosted by Katie Couric. It was entertaining and fun for sure. However, it was sponsored by many pharmaceutical companies...can you imagine why? Hmmm, let me was one giant ad for treating cancer with chemotherapy,...

What is Native American Medicine About with Phillip Scott

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Dr. Len and Phillip Scott (Chief Blackhorse) discuss Native American Medicine.            

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