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submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Whenever drug is criticised, big pharma comes to the rescue to salvage profits. What else would you expect when the reason big pharma exists is to make profits for their shareholders. Last year (2013) the British Medical Journal printed an article that criticized a previous article published in the same journal that suggested extending treatment with statins...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Without cholesterol we could not survive. Low levels are dangerous and too often we overdo statin usage. What we need to know about cholesterol to make intelligent decisions about how to manage it are discussed. Inflammation is considered.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and their interrelationships and differences are discussed so that a fundamental understanding of what cholesterol is and what the ratios of the various subcategories means. High total cholesterol is not necessarily a dangerous is the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL that is the most predictive factor. The value and dangers...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Statins block both cholesterol and co-enzyme Q10 production. We need co-Q10 to make energy and when levels are low it can lead to congestive heart failure. It can also lead to muscle pains, the release of myoglobin and renal insufficiency.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
A review of what it is and what it does is presented. It is derived from tyrosine and it is required for energy production. It is also a powerful antioxidant. Statins interfere with the production of Co Q10 and this is discussed.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Recent data has documented once again that coenzyme Q10 improves hypertension and can prevent congestive heart failure. It can improve cardiac output by as much as 39% and significantly increases exercise capacity of patients with all levels of congestive heart failure. It has many other functions such as increasing HDL cholesterol, immunity, and arterial elasticity...
submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Congestive heart failure develops if there is sufficient death of heart muscle (myocardial infarction) and subsequent inability of the remaining normal heart tissue to pump enough blood to the body. Tissues that die obviously cannot contract, but there are also areas around the infarction, called the peri-infacrtion area, that are in shock and may not be...
submitted by: admin on 02/20/2015
Congestive heart failure is the result of sufficient energy. Ankle swelling is an early sign of CHF. Acutely drugs are paramount and work very well. ATP production is dramatically low. A number of nutrients help our mitochondria produce energy better. Statins have the potential to lower coenzyme Q10 and create energy deficient states.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Crestor has a six times higher incidence of rhabdomyolysis than other statins. This can lead to muscle soreness, muscle pain, and even release of enough myoglobin that it can result in kidney failure. Other complications of statins include liver disease, peripheral neuropathy, global amnesia, and low co-enzyme Q10 levels.
submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Most angioplasties and stents used to treat acute heart attacks or unstable angina in the US are necessary and lifesaving. We know that these procedures are not indicated for people with coronary artery blockages who are stable; only about 3% benefit from these invasive procedures compared to medical treatment alone using pharmaceutical drugs. There is also a...
submitted by: admin on 08/18/2014
A Rhode Island Hospital retrospective study published in the July 2014 issue of the journal, Alzheimer's & Dementia, showed that the participants with normal cognition at the start of the study who reported taking fish oil had fewer signs of Alzheimer's disease. These patients were followed every 6 months with MRI scans. Those people with...
submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
Periodontal disease, root canals, cavitations, etc result in inflammation and can lead to heart attacks. The kind of microbes that inhabit the mouth have a powerful effect on inflammation. Peroxide, coenzyme Q10, vitamin D, and vitamin K are effective ways to resolve periodontal problems.
submitted by: admin on 10/02/2013
Statin drugs to lower cholesterol are complicated to use, and for this reason are often misused. There are nine different drugs and there are major differences in their solubility in water or fat, effects on insulin resistance, where they are detoxified, and how much they interfere with coenzyme Q10 levels in the body. The synthesis of both cholesterol...
submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
According to a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal in April of 2013, naturopathic care enhanced conventional care from MDs by showing a 17% reduction in prevalence of the metabolic syndrome over a one year period.
Primary healthcare supposedly provides in-depth lifestyle counselling, however, why then does ND care lower...
submitted by: admin on 05/28/2016
Parkinson's disease is not cured by any treatments we have today. Treatment is centered on blocking the symptoms of this chronic disease. There is a failure of energy production in vital areas of the brain that make dopamine. The energy producing part of the cell, the mitochondria, don't make enough energy to make dopamine and Parkinson's disease...
submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
Parkinson's Disease is a progressive neurological disease characterized by a pill rolling resting tremor, dementia, poor balance, stiffness, depression, and insomnia. There is a progressive loss of dopamine and treatment is oriented to restoring it through a variety of drugs. CAM approaches include the addition of glutathione intraveniously and coenzyme Q10....
submitted by: admin on 03/07/2025
Prescriptions for Health Radio Show
April 15, 2011
Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki explore the following topics:
Death by Medicine by Gary Null, PhD
Drugs for ADD and ADHD
Drugs for Diabetic Neuropathy
The Photon Stimulator for Diabetic Neuropathy
Do Doctor's Follow Their Own Advice?
A Return to Healing
Coenzyme Q10
Dangers of Radiation from Japan
submitted by: admin on 03/07/2025
Parkinson's Disease is a progressive neurological disease characterized by a pill rolling resting tremor, dementia, poor balance, stiffness, depression, and insomnia. There is a progressive loss of dopamine and treatment is oriented to restoring it through a variety of drugs. CAM approaches include the addition of glutathione intraveniously and coenzyme Q10....
submitted by: admin on 04/12/2015
For primary prevention of heart attacks there's no data showing that there's an increase in survival. And there are many side effects of statins that are problematic such as liver inflammation, peripheral neuropathy, muscle inflammation, type 2 diabetes, kidney failure, global amnesia. Lifestyle is still the major way to stop and reverse heart...
submitted by: admin on 08/23/2016
A study published in Archives of Internal Medicine in June of 2012 showed that people using statins had a much higher incidence of decreased energy and fatigue upon exertion. Forty percent had worsened energy or fatigue with exertion; 20% had both, and 10% were severely effected. Other known side effects of statins include liver disease, muscle pain,...