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Load Up on Fiber Now and Avoid Heart Disease Later

submitted by: admin on 10/25/2024
Most of the time we associate fiber with bowel health, especially constipation. However, fiber has a prominent role in lowering hypertension, weight, and cholesterol and has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease later in life. We need between 25 and 40 grams a day of fiber and this can easily be achieved by filling two thirds of your plate with fruit,...

Overview on the Importance of Exercise

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
  Lifestyle is our most potent medicine and exercise is especially important for quality of life and longevity. There is no more powerful anti-aging medicine on the planet! The amount and intensity are important and the value of interval training is discussed. There are a myriad of benefits of exercise that include raising HDL cholesterol, lowering blood...

Physiology of Cancer

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  Cancer is an environmental disease that occurs in individuals and treatment must be individualized to each person. Lifestyle affects the expression of cancer as well and should be addressed. Supporting the biological terrain is another aspect of treatment that is not addressed in mainstream oncology.          

Resistant Microbes Found in Half of Infected Patient Rooms

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Multidrug resistant microbes such as acinetobacker baumannii, MRSA, C. diff, and vancomycin resistant enterococcus are found in 50% of infected patients rooms up to 2 months later! Patients with weakened immunity are especially vulnerable. These microbes are found on places that include supply cart handles, floors, infusion pumps, ventilator touch pads, bed rails,...

Statins, Side Effects

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Big pharma is promoting that the use statins far more safe and our MDs have been trained to believe this. There are two types of statins, fat soluble such as Mevacor, Zocor, Lipitor and Lescol and water soluble, such as Pravachol and Crestor. The fat soluble statins must be detoxified in the liver before they become active. Using them with other drugs that need...

Stopping the Scourge of Cancer

submitted by: admin on 04/07/2015
Plant based diets help prevent cancer and its spread. Refined carbohydrates stimulate the growth of cancer. Real foods with sugars do not stimulate cancer. How can you clean up your act: create a natural environment. This in combination with oncology is a reasonable approach that works. We need open-minded oncologists for this.          

Treating Cancer Holistically

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  While it is illegal to treat cancer in California using CAM approaches, it is possible to support wellness, especially of the immune system. There are often many genetic defects that lead to cancer growth. If you target just one of them, adaptation is possible. However, by using low dose therapies in combination might do much to target many of them....

Tylenol Over Use Can Be Fatal

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  Repeated doses of slightly too much Tylenol can be fatal. These patients had a higher fatality rate than single doses taken as a suicidal attempt. It take about 15 grams of a single dose to lead to liver failure and the possible need for a liver transplant. Taking just 3 times the recommended dosage can lead to liver failure and death in some people....

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