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Preview, Health Medicine Overview

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2024
The history of health medicine is reviewed and its principles described. It is based on four principles that include integrative practice, holism, person-centered care, and prevention. The concept of Healaing Circles is reviewed.

Preview: Addiction Overview

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2024
10% of Americans are addicted to drugs, much of this is from medications prescribed by physicians. Typical programs for rehabilitation are unsuccessful. What it takes for a successful program is reviewed and new breakthroughs in medications to support the chemical brain disease resulting from drug addiction is reviewed.

Preview: Blood Pressure Pills

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2024
When you make the decision to use a pharmaceutical drug to manage your blood pressure, you also need to understand that there are common side effects that may be problematic. The different classes of anti-hypertensives is reviewed and their common side effects highlighted. Both mainstream and CAM approaches to managing high blood pressure are reviewed.

Proton Pump Inhibitors and Their Side Effects

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Proton pump inhibitors are massively overused. They are not approved for more than 6-8 weeks. Side effects include osteoporosis, senile dementia, poor digestion, addiction, poor absorption of calcium and iron.

Purple Pill Blues

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Proton pump inhibitors are massively overrated and over used. This results in maldigestion, malabsorption of B12, iron, calcium, and a significant increase in osteoporosis and dementia if taken over several years. It is not approved by the FDA for more than 8 weeks, but MDs use it longer as an off-label usage. The benefits of licorice root extract are equivalent...

Putting Together the Pieces of the Covid 19 Puzzle

submitted by: admin on 06/16/2020
Dr. Len has been following the progression of the Covid 19 pandemic and has uncovered glaring inconsistencies that are forming a pattern that is emerging. He will review aspects of this pandemic that on the surface make little sense until the dots are connected...then what is surfacing is terrifying. This, when coupled with widespread censoring and news that...

Qigong and Insomnia with Michael Mayer, PhD

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
The roots of insomnia should be dealt with rather than just treating with drugs. There are many natural methods to enhance sleep. Qigong can activate relaxed energy by noticing how we breathe. Dr. Mayer shows us how to do this.            

Qigong with Tom Rogers

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  Tom Rogers, president of the Qigong Institute gives a wonderful interview describing what qigong is, how it works, and what it does. He reviews some of the scientific studies validating its value. He also explains that qigong is a moving meditation that pays attention to the breath. Tom relates to the emerging field of epigenetics that emphasizes how...

Questioning Medicine With Tom Cowan, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2024

Radical Healthcare Reform and the Future of Medicine

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2024
  Health care reform (HCR) is a necessity, but little true HCR is on the table for either Democrats or Republicans. Republicans want to privatize or abolish Medicare and Democrats want to increase taxes to fund skyrocketing health care costs. Neither approach represents HCR; they merely address how the present health care system might be sustained. Dean...

Reactions to Everyday Stress Predict Future Health

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  It is not stress itself that causes health problems, it is how we react to stress that will determine our health 10 years from now according to the November 2012 issue of Annals of Behavioral Medicine. Researchers at Penn State surveyed 2000 people daily for 8 days regarding the level of stress in their lives and measured their cortisol level....

Reduce Stress to Treat Hypertension

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Stress and anxiety are the most common causes for high blood pressure and is treatable. We tend to rely on medication to treat high blood pressure and the underlying stress. Americans are over-stressed. Relaxants lower blood pressure as well or better than antihypertensive drugs.        

Reducing Complications may Cost Hospitals Money

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  Hospitals have a financial incentive to not reduce complications because they are paid per each treatment and each lab or other test according to an article published in the April issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. While this may not be what hospitals are overtly thinking, the problem is how motivated are they to reduce complications? Between...

Regenerative Medicine with Richard Gracer, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2024
The natural healing process is stimulated by both ozone and platelet rich plasma. Both stimulate the production of healing growth factors. Dr. Gracer explains how they work his experience of what they do.

Regulation of Supplements

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  The regulation of supplements is problematic. We clearly need regulation because supplement companies tend to make statements about what they do that is not proven, but at the same time we also need to have access to using them, especially if they are safe. A balanced regulation is what is needed. MD control of supplements is being suggested; yet they...

Religion and Spirituality in Health Care

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2024
The science and spirituality of the shaman split when Newtonian physics took over medicine. Whatever we did not understand was simply discarded. Spirituality was relegated back to the domain of the church. Now that Einsteinian physics, or quantum physics, has moved forward, it has once again become clear that science and spirituality are merely different ends...

Reporting Medication Errors

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2024
Doctors generally don't report medication errors because there's so much fear when a mistake is made. Practicing medicine is very difficult and doctors need to be fully engaged with their patients, rather than detached and scientific. MDs have their own lives that are filled with challenges and this takes away from giving their full attention; errors are more...

Rites of Passage with Phillip Scott

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Often times we think of conditions such as menopause as a disease! However, in many ancient traditions, menopause is looked at as a rite of passage. Chief Black Horse gives us examples.

Science, Spirituality and Medicine

submitted by: admin on 05/24/2016
There is an intricate organization and incredible perfection in the universe that is mindboggling. While there is always a scientific explanation for how the universe works, it has eluded even the great Albert Einstein who states that there is no logical path to the laws of the universe and that the only path to these laws is a combination of intuition and experience.  In...

Science, Spirituality and Medicine

submitted by: admin on 09/17/2016
This essay explores the roles of science and spirituality in our human experience and how they complement one another in our quest to understand how the Universe works. Click on the download box below to access the file  

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