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Exercise for Hypertension

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Exercise is very powerful medicine that can treat hypertension, depression, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, osteoporosis, congestive heart failure, and many other  conditions that are reviewed. Exercise should be encouraged at every age and in every community. The type of exercise that is best is also reviewed.    

Exercise Reduces the Effect of an Obesity Gene

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
  Physical exercise can change the DNA in certain genes that stimulate obesity and lessen their effects by about 30%. Epigenetics has a lot to do with how the DNA in our genes manifests itself. This challenges the widely held belief that what is in our DNA is not changeable...thank goodness that this is not true. We have found the same epigenetic...

External Enhanced Counter Pulsation with Lambert Chee, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2024
This board certified cardiologist who uses this modality in his practice covers the indications, value, and applications of EECP.

FAD Medicine, not Bad Medicine with Dr. Richard Kunin

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Looking at medicine as an overview, it seems like things happen in cycles and fads. We have one fad one year, another fad another year, and it seems to change how we practice medicine.  Yet the fads, they die and we have a new integrated approach we take towards the practice of medicine.             

Father's Obesity Affects Sperm DNA for Two Generations

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
  An article published in FASEB Journal showed that obesity in fathers changed the DNA in their sperm so as to put future generations at risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes even if they consumed a healthy diet. This change developed whether or not the obese father had signs of type 2 diabetes or the metabolic syndrome. We've long known that...

Faults in Medical School Training

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2024
Even medical school faculties acknowledge the outrageous stresses put on med students, interns and residents. This explains why we continue to see high rates of suicide, drug addiction, divorce, and more in this group.

Fibromyalgia Overview

submitted by: admin on 12/23/2019
This is an introduction to what fibromyalgia is and the challenges we have in making the diagnosis. Mainstream and CAM treatments are reviewed. There is a defect in energy production that can be measured. Management of the pain is straightforward most of the time using infrared light therapy, a balance of rest and exercise, and somatic therapies.            

Fibromyalgia: An Overview

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2024
Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and multiple chemical sensitivities have many overlapping symptoms. The clinical picture is reviewed. Mainstream treatment leaves much to be desired. Orthomolecular medicine offers deeper insights into complex biochemical abnormalities these diseases show. The theory of cellular malfunction is reviewed.

Fibromyalgia: Drug-Free Relief from Chronic Pain

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013

Food Addictions in Kids, Are They Related to Hormonal Imbalances?

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Foods can be addictive and a key reason for pediatric obesity is related to high calorie, low fiber diets that promote changes in hormones. Sugar addiction underlies many of the hormonal changes that lead to the metabolic syndrome.            

Food and Addiction with Francesco Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Addiction is common and food is a very common addiction. When we are removed from their natural environment it leads to problems. Sugar and high fructose corn fructose are classic examples of how a natural environment is affected by change. We tend to put blame outside of ourselves, this is what victimization is.              

Founding Health Medicine: The Story

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Health Medicine is integrative, holistic, person-centered, preventive health care. It began in 1992, has been defined since then, and is now available in clinical practice in some areas. The history of the Health Medicine Forum and Healing Circles is shared.          

Frontiers in Medicine with Frank Shallenberger MD, HMD

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Dr. Shallenberger explains how we can look at underlying cell biochemistry to explain disease and how it can be modified to promote healthier homeostasis.              

Full Spectrum Health Care with Marc Weill

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Marc Weill practices full spectrum health care. His range of practice includes a wide range of disciplines that such as energy medicine, applied kinesiology, bodywork, nutrition, homeopathy, acupuncture, psychospiritual work, and much more. Uncovering the cause of a health problem is key to management of symptoms.          

Garlic Protects the Heart

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
  Garlic oil may help release protective compounds for the heart during a heart attack, during cardiac surgery, or for congestive heart failure. The active compound is diallyl trisulfide, which can deliver hydrogen sulfide gas to the heart. In studies in mice when a coronary artery is tied off there is 61% less damage when diallyl trisulfide is administered....

General Anesthesia Can Cause Dementia

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
  An article in Annals of Neurology in February of 2012 showed that in mice the anesthetic Forane caused impaired cognitive function that were much like the changes in Alzheimer's disease. Previous studies have documented that patients undergoing general anesthesia may increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Transient cognitive dysfunction...

Getting Outside the Mainstream Medical Box with Larry Dossey, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
The power of the mind in medical illness is a powerful tool. Shifting from traditional medicine to intuition medicine is a challenging process. Imagery, visualization, and meditation were the foundation for premonitions. Premonitions are a fore-warning. We all have the capacity to have premonitions.        

Getting Younger and Healthier with Age with Sherrill Sellman, ND

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
Antiaging hormones are overdone. The HRT story is a wake-up call. Bioidentical hormone treatment is not a panacea, in fact, it is untested. Indigenous perspectives are worth noting.                

Ghost Writing for Medical Journal Articles

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
Good research is often misrepresented by Big Pharma writers who skew the data to support positive outcomes. They hire ghost writers for this specific purpose. The business of Big Pharma takes precedence over integrity & service.            

GMO Crops Must be Immediately Outlawed

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
  GMO foods are dangerous and should be outlawed immediately. Longterm studies in mice show a high incidence of breast cancer as well as serious kidney and liver disorders. The problem with the research done by Monsanto and DuPont  that has been done is that they are all relatively short term and it takes many years for disease to develop when caused...
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