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Preventable Medical Mistakes

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
The Institute of Medicine calculates that there are 50-100,000 unnecessary deaths in the US every year. This number is likely much higher because of under-reporting. Personalized health care and working with causes rather than suppressing symptoms. We also need to work together...integratively.          

Reporting Medication Errors

submitted by: admin on 09/16/2024
Doctors generally don't report medication errors because there's so much fear when a mistake is made. Practicing medicine is very difficult and doctors need to be fully engaged with their patients, rather than detached and scientific. MDs have their own lives that are filled with challenges and this takes away from giving their full attention; errors are more...

Reuniting America in a Time of Great Stress

submitted by: admin on 09/16/2024

Selling Cancer Screening

submitted by: admin on 06/18/2016
  Medical professional groups and cancer advocacy groups need to refocus on educating rather than persuading about cancer testing. The harms of screening have been largely dismissed. It is easy to sell screening, just magnify the benefit, minimize the cost, and hide the data about their value. These tests are big business and there are conflicts...

Shifting Health Care to Healing with Davi Pakter, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/16/2024
There is a pressing need to move forward from a symptom relieving to a healing tradition. The Native American Tradition states that our leader is within, not outside. The time for the lone wolf is over; now we must enter a journey in the inside for the benefit of all. This Hopi poem is about love and letting go of the fear that separates us from all there is.

Side Effects of Medications

submitted by: admin on 04/12/2015
  If you're going to take a medicine, it is also important to ask about side effects. MDs have a tendency to recommend a drug and not emphasize the possible side effects because it is not practical; there are just too many. If MDs disclosed all the complications of medications people would not want them; they'd be far more interested in lifestyle...

Solitude in Everyday Life with Robert Kull, PhD

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Being in the present was the purpose of living in the wilderness of Southern Chile for Robert Kull. His stories and their lessons are shared. Past and future are ideas that exist in our minds in the moment. We need to learn to live with what we do have rather than what we don't have. Accepting that we are judgmental and rejecting helps us deal with life.          

Spirit as the Antidote to Fear with Vijaya Stallings, PhD

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
We get caught up with the material world and forget about the practice of spiritual understanding that keeps us aware of the oneness of the universe. Connection to spirit takes us into the moment and away from fear.          

The Healing Aspect of Letting Go with Wes Rocki, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/16/2024
Letting go and becoming free of fear opens the door for healing. Going beyond the boundaries of our discipline exponentially increases the opportunity for healing. The energy we cultivate through intention is another powerful tool releases illness. Integrative healing brings our inner healer forward to natural intuitive healing.

The Mind is the Root of Fear with Vijaya Stallings, PhD

submitted by: admin on 09/16/2024
Thought is what controls us; it is our biggest addiction and it is fear based. This deification of the mind leads to our separation from spirit. Today’s world is immersed in this limited philosophy and it dooms us to live in fear.

The Origin of Fear is Desire with Vijaya Stallings, PhD

submitted by: admin on 09/16/2024
As soon as we have expectations we have desires and the fear is that if we fail we won't be okay. Desire with attachments are the most challenging. Life isn't just about us individually as it is as a collective whole.

The Voice of Reason, with Dr. Saputo

submitted by: admin on 09/03/2020
  Cutting through the confusion generated by fake news and itsbrainwashing hyperbole has left us all wondering what to believe about Covid 19. The Voice of Reason podcasts are intended to provide a commonsense commentary from authors and wellness advocates renown physician Len Saputo, MD and international Qigong Teacher Francesco...

Think Positively, Act Locally, and Live Globally with Arya Bhardwaj

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
We've all heard about thinking globally and acting locally. There's another important perspective that is important: do this with a positive attitude rather than with fear. Humanity is always evolving and we must make the direction positive. We must have hope.          

Transforming Fear with Courage with Judith Orloff, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
We often become entrenched in fear and don't realize that we need strategies to change this situation. We can transform fear with courage and can transform anger with compassion with a specific plan. The biology of fear can be specifically addressed.          

Treating Depression Face-to-Face vs Telephone

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Not everyone can get face-to-face consultations for treatment of depression for a wide range of reasons that include cost, convenience, transportation problems, fear, and access. A study published in JAMA in May of 2012 compared face-to-face visits with telephone consultations and found that more people could participate in telephone consultations, but that over...

Uncertainty Causes Anxiety

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  When you don't know the outcome of a medical test, the uncertainty of not knowing can be more stressful and anxiety provoking than the worst possible outcome. Our minds tend to worry and we need to learn to "worry well." Chronic stress suppresses immunity and sets the stage for further inflammation and progression of whatever disease...

Why Sport Injuries Occur with Julie Motz

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Injuries are never just physical; emotional explanations will become apparent if you investigate more deeply. Early anxiety or tragedy often is responsible for injuries. When the mind of the body is pulled out by some other concern it cannot be present in the body and that is when we injure ourself.          

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