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Flu Vaccine Causes 5.5 Times More Respiratory Infections than Unvaccinated

submitted by: admin on 06/27/2015
  A journal article published in the June 2013 issue of Clinical Infectious Diseases showed that people who got a flu shot were 5.5 times more at risk for developing another viral respiratory infection! And, they also found that there was no protection from the immunization from the flu. Hmmm. Want a flu shot? A possible reason for this could be...


submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
  Fluoride is a toxin to the body and is widespread. The story behind putting in the water supply is discussed and health issues caused by it is presented.              

General Anesthesia Can Cause Dementia

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
  An article in Annals of Neurology in February of 2012 showed that in mice the anesthetic Forane caused impaired cognitive function that were much like the changes in Alzheimer's disease. Previous studies have documented that patients undergoing general anesthesia may increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Transient cognitive dysfunction...

Health Medicine Forum: The H1N1 Vaccine--Do You Really Need It?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
The H1N1 Vaccine, Do You Really Need It?   In this 2-part series, Dr. Len Saputo and Vicki Saputo, RN, present some interesting facts about influenza viruses and the vaccines made to prevent them. Is it really necessary, or is this just a sales pitch by the pharmaceutical industry?   Part One:   Part Two: 

Hiatal Hernia, Barrett's Esophagus, and Esophageal Cancer

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
  Barrett's esophagus develops in people who have bile reflux into the stomach and lower end of the esophagus in the presence of a hiatal hernia. It causes "intestinalization" of the lower end of the esophagus, which is then prone to develop esophageal cancer. However, unless there is dysplasia of the Barrett's esophagus, the risk for...

Hiatal Hernias: How to Manage Them

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
  Hiatal hernias and their complications are defined and treatments offered. The physiology and the complications of treatment are reviewed.

How Many Influenza Deaths in Children were there in 2010?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
The CDC reported there were 115 deaths in kids under the age o 18 in the year 2010. A closer look reveals that half of these deaths (58) were in kids who were immunocompromised, so the vaccine would not likely have been of any benefit. Of those who died, about 1/3 were immunized, which means that the vaccine did no good. Now we're down to 38 kids under the...

Immunization Information Quick Links

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
  Questions about immunizations? Do you need a Flu Shot? What is a vaccine? Check these links for the answers to these questions and many more.                           

Influenza and the Bird Flu

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
The ABCs of influenza viruses are and how they are defined are reviewed; where the bird flu virus fits in discussed. Shift and drift and the potential danger of this virus are explained.        

Influenza Vaccines

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
This show provides an overview of flu vaccines and questions the lack of science justifying their usage. The CDC's position is not science based and its recommendations are unjustified.        

Influenza Viruses (2007)

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
The difference between influenza virus types and their immunology are reviewed. How widespread and serious is influenza? What is the Bird Flu?        

Inhaled Steroids Cause Fractures

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Patients with COPD who use inhaled corticosteroids to improve breathing for more than 6 months have a 27% increased risk for bone fractures. The risk goes up as the dosage increases. It was previously assumed that inhaled steroids would have a predominantly local effect, but now we know this is not true. Treatment should consist of lowering or discontinuing inhaled...

Is Ebola a Scam?

submitted by: admin on 07/29/2019
Ebola and Marburg viruses cause hemorrhagic illnesses characterized by bleeding, multi-organ failure, and in 50-90%, death. The incubation period is 2-21 days and the disease is contracted from infected animals such as African monkeys, chimps, other primates, as well as from person to person spread through contact with infected body fluids or through shared needles....

Is There a Supplement in Your Medicine Cabinet that Can Treat Ebola?

submitted by: admin on 10/19/2019
Ebola is still big in the news and it is being hyped up as a major danger to the entire world. The US has just sent 3000 troops to West Africa to help contain Ebola spread and the pharmaceutical industry is working feverishly to come up with a vaccine and drug to fight this dreaded disease. The entire world is frightened by the threat of global spread of Ebola. Of...

Is There Something Neither the CDC nor Your Doctor is not Telling You About the Flu Shot?

submitted by: admin on 10/24/2018
Disinformation, fear, and confusion is what the CDC, White House, FDA, and WHO have created in the great infection deception during the 2009-10 Swine flu "pandemic." And they are at it again! By proclamation, these groups continue to lie to us by telling us that we should all be getting our flu shots once again to prevent the disability and deaths from...

Keeping the Flu Away with Artificial Immune Stimulants

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
  The discovery of a "new" protein, EP67, that can activate the immune system within 2 hours, is being celebrated as a secret way to help the immune system fight influenza viruses in the June issue of the July issue of the Public Library of Science journal. Its primary use has been as an adjuvant in vaccines. It makes one wonder how much benefit...

Making Conscious Choices

submitted by: admin on 10/10/2013
  John Renesch is a self taught social entrepreneur who has published 14 books and hundreds of articles on organizational and social transformation. He is actively engaged in teaching social transformation and in this video focuses on how making conscious choices can influence positive change on our cultural values and operations.      

New Drugs: Their Dangers

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
New drugs are problematic because they are not fully tested. Post marketing studies should be required. It is wiser to use old time-tested drugs because they've been around for decades and we know their complications. Vioxx is an interesting example. Cox 1 and Cox 2 inhibitors are explained.

NSAIDs Linked to Atrial Fibrillation

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
NSAIDs have now been linked to an increased incidence of atrial fibrillation and flutter. The association was strongest for new users. The risk is increased by 40% for COX-1 inhibitors and 70% for COX-2 inhibitors such as Celebrex. This translates to 1 in 250 taking COX-1 drugs and 1 in 140 taking Celebrex. The risk is highest for the elderly, those with rheumatoid...

NSAIDs: The Myriad of Side Effects

submitted by: admin on 05/31/2014
The effectiveness of NSAIDS for longterm pain is questionable according to new research. Chronic use of these drugs shows their effectiveness is close to that of a placebo. There are many alternatives to drugs for pain management that are more effective and far safer. More than 30,000 people die annually in the US from this class of drugs, which include Advil,...

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