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Is Strontium Safe Treatment for Osteoporosis?

submitted by: admin on 07/29/2019
Strontium renalate is a potent stimulator of new bone growth that helps increase bone density in people with osteoporosis. However, a study by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in January of 2014 shows that there is an increase in serious heart problems including heart attacks as well as more blood clots in veins. The EMA will likely lead to taking two drugs,...

Job Burnout Predisposes to Heart Disease

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
  Accprdomg to a study in Psychosomatic Medicine in March of 2013, Americans work longer hours, take fewer vacation days, and retire later than employees compared to other countries. This leads to job burnout, and it is related to premature coronary artery disease and heart attacks. The top 20% of the burnout scale had a 79% increase risk of coronary...

L-carnitine Improves Outcome After a Heart Attack

submitted by: admin on 02/18/2015
  A study in the April 2013 issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings documented that the amino acid L-carnitine significantly improves cardiac function after a heart attack. Apparently, l-carnitine is depleted after a heart attack and, if corrected, results in a 27% reduction in all-cause mortalitiy, 65% fewer dangerous ventricular arrhythmias, 40% reduction...

Long Term Manifestations of Domestic Violence

submitted by: admin on 11/25/2013
An excellent article in the November 2013 issue of More Magazine reported that 25% of all women are victims of domestic violence. Two million women are injured annually by domestic violence, 25% require medical care, and 1300 die! Sixty percent of those going to emergency rooms are strangled and one in three lost consciousness.  MDs and dentists...

Low Glycemic Index Linked to Higher Mortality

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
For patients over the age of 60 it appears that the target hemoglobin A1c level of less than 6.0% are associated with a higher death rate. This happens despite the fact that the complications of type 2 diabetes are far lower when A1c levels are less than 6.0%. The best overall outcomes occur with A1c levels between 6.0 and 8.0. Nonetheless, the best treatment...

Lower Blood Pressure Readings May Be Dangerous When Treating Hypertension

submitted by: admin on 07/10/2014
A medical study from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center published an article in the journal, Internal Medicine, in June of 2014 that contradicts common medical belief that when treating hypertension, the lower the better. They studied 4,480 patients for 21 years and found that once blood pressure is below 140, there is no benefit in loweing the systolic...

Managing Pain Without Drugs

submitted by: admin on 10/10/2013
Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki provide an extensive overview of pain management from the mainstream perspective and from that of complementary and alternative therapies. All drugs, even the over the counter medications, used for pain management have potential serious effects. So they are not ideal. Complications of NSAIDs are massive and should be taken off the market.        

Marriage Reduces the Risk of a Heart Attack

submitted by: admin on 10/10/2013
  According to an article in the January 2013 issue of the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, being married reduces the risk of fatal and non-fatal heart attack by about 50% in both men and women and across all ages. They evaluated more than 15,000 acute coronary events over 10 years. The reasons for this finding is not clear but could possibly...

Medications After a Heart Attack are Crucial

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
If you have had a heart attack and you don't take your prescription medications leads to an 80% higher risk for another heart attack. Nutritional alternatives are often as good as medications, but not enough MDs know sufficient information to do this safely. Drugs such as beta blockers, afterload reducers, and anticoagulants. Some natural alternatives are...

Meditation is a Treatment for Heart Disease

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
  A study published in the November 2012 edition of Circulation showed that people doing meditation (TM) had a 48% lower risk for a heart attack, stroke, or all cause mortality over 5 years compared to those who attended a health education class for the same time period. Meditators had a lower blood pressure and experienced less stress and anger.        

Middle Aged Running Speed Predicts Heart Attacks

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
  How fast you can run a mile at age 55 is predictive of your risk for a heart attack. If you can run a mile in 15 minutes your lifetime risk of a heart attack is 30%. If you can run a mile in 8 minutes, your risk is under 10%. Exercise benefits our risk for hypertension, type 2 diabetes, being overweight, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and fitness....

More Diabetes Drugs Found to Cause Cancer

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
  The Journal of the National Cancer Institute in August published an article showing that both Avandia and Actos increase bladder cancer by more than 400% compared to baseline incidence in diabetics. These drugs account for more than 20% of all drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes. Actos ranks 9th in the sales of all pharmaceutical drugs. This is remarkable...


submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
  This class of drugs should be removed from our pharmacies. Problems associated with these drugs include, GI bleeding, ulcers, kidney failure, heart attacks, strokes, atrial fibrillation, miscarriage, elevated blood pressure, congestive heart failure and more! They account for 30,000 deaths annually and more than 300,000 hospitalizations. There are...

NSAIDs and Heart Attacks

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
  There is a clear link between all NSAIDs and heart attacks. The differences between COX 1 and 2 inhibitors is discussed. Aspirin's side effects are described and make one wonder about what MDs are doing by recommending aspirin for heart attack prevention when fish oil is equally effective and far less likely to have side effects.        

NSAIDs and the Heart

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
  Even a few NSAIDs may be unsafe if you have heart disease. Shockingly data on 83,000 patients shows that even a week of treatment led to another heart attack or dying 45% more often if they had a prior heart attack. The percentage rose to 60% if treatment was for 30 days. There is no safe window for NSAIDs in people with a prior heart attack. There...

NSAIDs Lethal in Heart Attack Survivors

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
  An article in Circulation posted in September of 2012 showed that NSAIDs after a heart attack cause a 60% increase in mortality and 40% increase in risk for heart attack. They also increase the risk for heart attack in people without a history of heart attack. It is shocking that the FDA allows them as prescription medication and even more outrageous...

NSAIDs: The Myriad of Side Effects

submitted by: admin on 05/31/2014
The effectiveness of NSAIDS for longterm pain is questionable according to new research. Chronic use of these drugs shows their effectiveness is close to that of a placebo. There are many alternatives to drugs for pain management that are more effective and far safer. More than 30,000 people die annually in the US from this class of drugs, which include Advil,...

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Protect the Heart

submitted by: admin on 02/18/2015
  Patients with diabetes who've had a previous heart attack have an 84% lower incidence of dangerous ventricular arrhythmias and 72% lower risk of a fatal heart attack if they use omega 3 fatty acids than those only on drug protection. One thousand patients were followed for 40 months and included those between the ages of 60 and 80. They were given...

One in Ten Stent Patients are Readmitted within Thirty Days

submitted by: admin on 02/18/2015
  One in every 10 people who get a stent for a blocked coronary artery ends up in the hospital within 30 days according to a Duke Medical Center article in Archives of Internal Medicine in November of 2011. In this study of 13,000 patients over 10 years have complications such as bleeding or a heart attack. Of these patients, 8% died within a year and...

Over the Counter Pain Medication Problems

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
NSAIDS, aspirin, and Tylenol are now getting black box warnings from the FDA because there are too many serious complications related to their use. GI bleeding, liver and kidney failure, and heart attacks are issues.

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