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A Manifesto for Medical Practice with Wes Rocki

submitted by: admin on 10/19/2019
Today's medicine is fear based and geared to one size fits all. The new medicine is based on self healing, identifying the underlying psychospiritual roots of illness, and looking at the whole person. In his Manifesto for a New Medicine, Dr. Rocki shares his ideas about what needs to change in today's health care to provide health and vitality.              

A Return To Healing Chapter 7: The Birth of the Health Medicine Movement

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Awakening to the limitations of conventional medical practice led to a search for a new and better way to provide health care. The Health Medicine Forum was born and a new paradigm based on integrative, holistic, person-centered, preventive health care was developed. Vicki and I tell the story.         A Return to Healing:...

Addiction as a Teacher with Gary Gwilliam, JD

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Gary tells the story of how he struggled with his own personal addiction and what it took to deal with it. He became an overachieving, highly successful trial attorney. The pattern of his drinking changed and he shares the story with us.              

American Society for Integrated Medical Practitioners with Russell Jaffe, MD

submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
This new approach to medicine is based on integrative, holistic, person-centered care where the relationship between the patient and practitioner is sacred. Both an evidenced based and pragmatic approach is taken, which means that they look at causes first and not last. They must also compassionately set the example rather than preach treatments or lifestyle...

Ayurveda as Lifestyle Medicine with Vijaya Stallings, PhD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
This practice of holistic medicine from India is the oldest of all lifestyles. It is about the knowledge of life. It originated as a preventive approach. There are 20 universal principles of Ayurveda that are used to evaluate all symptoms. Deficiencies and excesses are determined from the pulses and examing the tongue. Western medicine looks at the symptoms and...

Choosing the Right Treatment

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Choosing the right treatment when you're challenged by serious illness is often not easy. We tend to trust our physician because we don't know medicine, but how do you know that your doctor knows enough to make the best decision? It points out the importance of getting opinions from more than one health care practitioner and from doing research on the...

Conscious Awareness of the Body with Kathleen Dunbar

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Body, mind, emotion and spirit are one thing, the human being, not pieces that are put together like a jigsaw puzzle. Working on any perspective of who we are has obligatory effects on the rest of who we are. This is why working on the body is a powerful way to work on the whole self.            

Conversations with Chief Black Horse

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The Chief explains the Native American Way and how it is a holistic practice that involves who we are in every way and how we relate to the entire world and universe. Relationship with the unknown and the ancestors is central thoughts.            

Dr. Saputo's Recommended Wellness Coaches

submitted by: admin on 03/10/2025
    The health care practitioner you choose is one of the most important decisions you'll make in your life. The people Dr. Saputo recommends as Health and Wellness Coaches have all been personally screened by Dr. Saputo himself so you can rest assured that they are knowledgeable, caring healers, with the highest integrity.  These...

Energy Psychology with Michael Mayer PhD

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Dr. Mayer introduced qigong into psychology. Qigong brings posture, movement, breath, touch and awareness into consciousness. This integrative approach blends body and mind together in psychotherapy and affords new treatments. Qigong and acupressure are tools used to augment psychological problems.        

Energy Psychology with Michael Mayer, PhD

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Self healing methods for health problems by combining tai chi with psychology is described. Incorporating bodywork and acupressure with psychotherapy is synergistic. Examples of how this is used are described.          

Founding Health Medicine: The Story

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Health Medicine is integrative, holistic, person-centered, preventive health care. It began in 1992, has been defined since then, and is now available in clinical practice in some areas. The history of the Health Medicine Forum and Healing Circles is shared.          

Health Medicine Overview

submitted by: admin on 09/23/2013
  Health Medicine is defined, its history reviewed, and its principles described. It has been brought into clinical practice at the Health Medicine Center.          

Holistic Health with Jimmy Parker

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
The role of spirit in life leads the way for some people like Jim Parker who is a world champion tennis player. The choices we make in life have a lot to do with how it unfolds; so from that perspective we co-create our future. Tennis matches for a mature tennis pro like Jim are a dance with your partner who happens to be on the other side of the net. Your partner...

Holistic Law: Finding My Soul with Gary Gwilliam, JD

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
  Finding one's soul as an attorney is about discovering who we are and what our purpose is in everything we do. Work as an attorney tranformed into understanding who a client is and what they need for healing. Education becomes the most important aspect of what we do whether an MD, school teacher, or attorney; it is about teaching healing.

Holistic Nutrition with Geoffery Marx

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
Nutrition is important in itself, but it needs to be applied to the whole person to meet them where they are. There is a lot of conflict in the "right" diet. Starting with how people relate to food is often complicated but very necessary. Nutrition is about healing through food. Local, seasonal, organic food is important but who you eat with and how...

Introduction to Somatic Therapy with Nirinjan Yee

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Somatic means embodiment of who we are physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We have natural healing mechanisms that keep us in a healthy balance. Where the life is in each person is very valuable information needed to begin the healing process. When we stop fighting there is a relaxation and silence and not knowing that allows what we don't...

Learning Through Relationship with Gary Gwilliam, JD

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
  Gary tells the story of his journey through his own failed personal relationships and what it took to find a relationship that works. He attributes his success to being authentic and knowing the purpose of his marriage.

Lifestyle Smart with Jimmy Parker

submitted by: admin on 03/10/2025
How we approach playing a tennis match has clear parallels with how we deal with life. Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual factors are all involved with preparation for a tennis match, just as it is with living life. Visualization is an important part of how we concentration. A tennis match is like a laboratory to experiment with how you can get the best...

Medicine For The Third Millenium

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Today's health care system is in need of major reform. It does not work that well; we have an epidemic of chronic illnesses that affects about 50% of the population. The cost of health care is skyrocketing, we spend nearly twice the amount of any industrialized country and are still ranked 37th in the world in overall quality of care by the World Health Organization,...

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