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How to Get More Veggies into Kids' Meals

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
Kids often don't eat a healthy diet. They particularly don't get the 7+ servings of fruits and veggies they need every day. It is possible to puree these foods and slip them into other foods such as meat loaf, mac and cheese, and casseroles. This was done in public schools and the kids could not tell the difference, but they ate fewer calories and far...

How to Prevent Mass Murders

submitted by: admin on 10/02/2013
  Losing a child from a mass murder is incomprehensively horrendous. We are outraged every time there is a mass murder, but what do we do to prevent another? Not much. Gun control is understandably a complicated issue because we certainly don't want to have a dangerously deranged person who is capable of a mass murder to have a gun. Yet the second...

Hypertension Overview

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Are you one of the millions of people who have hypertension?  Would you be surprised to find out that you may be a candidate for simple lifestyle changes that can get you off medication? This overview of hypertension defines what it is, how to diagnose it, its complications, causes, and treatment. Hypertension is often over-diagnosed when taken in the...

Hypertension: Do You Have It?

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
  Hypertension is often over-diagnosed when taken in the doctor's office; home blood pressures are far more reliable. Pre-hypertension is defined and possible solutions for mild hypertension are offered. It is not usually a lifelong disease and much can be done to get you off medication after you've learned to live a healthy lifestyle.          

Intuition Medicine with Francesca McCartney, PhD

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
This science based subspecialty of energy medicine is used to help self healing. We are all intuitive and our intuition can be cultivated through training. If we listen to our inner voice we can access our higher healing power.            

Lavender Prevents Falls in the Elderly

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
  Falls in nursing homes are 2-3 times more frequent than the elderly living at home. There is considerablel morbidity and mortality with falls, especially in those people who are weak, osteoporotic, have poor balance, or on drugs that have sedative effects. In a study using lavender patches for one year showed that there were fewer falls than those...

Masked Hypertension

submitted by: admin on 10/10/2013
The definition of high blood pressure and what it is, is reviewed. Being "tense" leads to tense arteries and dealing with stress is critical. Complications are discussed. White coat hypertension is common and home blood pressures are more reliable.

Never Be Sick Again with Raymond Francis

submitted by: admin on 10/29/2017
We must take care of ourselves if we want to be healthy. Lifestyle is where wellness starts. There are common things that go wrong to cause disease. Most chronic diseases can be prevented. If all your cells are healthy you cannot be sick. There are only four ways that your cells can malfunction: genetic factors, poor nutrition, psychospiritual factors, toxic...

Probiotics for the Brain

submitted by: admin on 09/16/2024
Do the bacteria in our digestive system have an effect on brain development?  Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki discuss how the microflora in our GI tract keep us healthy.

PTSD Treatment for Veterans

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
PTSD in the military is severely underappreciated and undertreated by the government. Many of our homeless are our vets who have untreated PTSD. PTSD is also very common in the US. By using a combination of psychotherapy with other modalities of treatment can be very effective.

Rethinking Inflammation with Russ Jaffe, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Inflammation is the final common pathway of illness. Inflammation is a repair deficit problem that must be dealt with if we're going to repair the physiology that leads to cellular dysfunction and disease. Proactive prevention through the alkaline way is a cornerstone of wellness. Homeostasis is about living in balance and harmony with nature. Rediscovering...

Selecting a Hospital Matters

submitted by: admin on 09/16/2024
Hospitals are rated and survival and outcomes depend on how good they are. There’s a 65% difference in outcomes depending on the hospital you select. Doing your homework is essential. We discuss the differences.

Super Natural Home with Beth Greer

submitted by: admin on 09/16/2024
We often take good health for granted until things go wrong. We need to be proactive about our lifestyle and be sure we eat food that is toxin free and be certain we are not exposed to toxic skin care products and household cleaners. Regulation of these products is inadequate. Food is also a concern and issues such as GMO, microwaved food, pesticides, and additives...

Super Natural Home with Beth Greer Part II

submitted by: admin on 09/16/2024
Indoor pollution is worse, according to the EPA, than outside. Volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, come from paints and glues and should be avoided. They are endocrine disruptors that are not safe. Even candles and air fresheners are another source of air pollution in the home. Beeswax is best for candles. Fragrances have up to 100 chemicals that can add to...

Super Natural Home with Beth Greer Part III

submitted by: admin on 09/16/2024
The FDA does not regulate skin care products. Cosmetic companies have an association that is supposed to monitor the ingredients that are put on our skin, but there is a conflict of interest that corrupts its regulation. Women use between 15 and 25 products every day! Most department store brands are toxic and unsafe to put on our bodies. Natural organic skin...

Super Natural Home with Beth Greer Part IV

submitted by: admin on 09/16/2024
Kitchen toxins, especially Teflon, are very toxic. Stainless steel is probably the best to avoid toxin production. Hydrogen peroxide and vinegar are a great combination to sterilize cutting boards and other kitchen surfaces. Baking soda is a great kitchen cleansing agent. Lead in dishware is a concern because it is often in the glaze, especially in products made...

Super Natural Home with Beth Greer Part V

submitted by: admin on 09/16/2024
Summer trips can be "green" and there are green hotels and camps for kids that are not only environmentally safe, but also offer healthy foods that are trans fat and high fructose corn syrup free. Airline food and water is generally not healthy; it is best bring your own snacks and to use bottled water. Natural sunscreens are another concern as most sunscreens...

The Sound Track of the Human Brain

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  Scientists from China published an article in PLOS ONEcombined and translated two kinds of brain waves into music. The EEG was used to create pitch and duration of a note, and the fMRI to control the intensity of music. These scientists believe it is possible to influence how the brain thinks by using biofeedback with this music. So does the Department...

Tracking Lifestyle Changes

submitted by: admin on 10/19/2019
Lifestyle is our most important prescription for good health. On you can track your progress over time using our unique tracking system on your very own home page. Once you become a member you can follow your lifesytyle changes and your improvement over time of any health care condition you have and see how much healthier you are.          

Who Should Take Your Blood Pressure?

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
The best way to take your blood pressure is yourself at home, not in the doctor's office. White coat hypertension is very common and leads to false elevations that are often treated with medications that are not needed. Automatic blood pressure machines are the best.

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