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January 10 2011

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Biochemistry, Physiology, What is Healing with Dr. Richard Kunin

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Dr. Len and Dr. Kunin focus on how Dr. Kunin practices today vs how he practiced medicine many years ago.  With Dr. Kunin's background in biochemistry, physiology, and even as a psychiatrist, his own personal spiritual life, as well as his own emotional life; what does he focus on when a new patient walks into his office?  What is the end result...

Dr. Richard Kunin: My Insecurity Is Not About What I Do--It's About How My Patients Do

submitted by: admin on 03/09/2025
What is a healer?  What is a doctor? How does a doctor focus on what they are trying to focus on with their patients?  Dr. Kunin tells how he integrates the psycho-spiritual side of bringing a patient back to good health.

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