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Methyl Jasmonate as a Treatment for Cancer

submitted by: admin on 06/24/2016
Methyl jasmonate is a plant  hormone that is able to disrupt the mitochondria of cancer cells, but not normal cells. This would add to the abilitiy of cancer cells to produce energy and perhaps help destroy cancer cells. We clearly need more research on this inexpensive and readily available treatment. Hopefully the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would...

Michael Mayer, Ph.D.

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2024
Michael Mayer, Ph.D.                                                                                                  ...

Mind of the Dolphin and Whale with Trish Regan and Doug Hackett

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Dolphins and whales have bigger brains than humans. Doug and Trish had a spiritual calling to swim with dolphins and whales that they describe. There is an energy bubble around them that is unconditional love. Many healings have been attributed to their energy.        

Mind With Matter with Phillip Scott, PhD

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Mind over matter is the cliché? However, Chief Black Horse makes the distinction between "over" and "with" in a very interesting way. There is no adversarial relationship between the mind and body, so where does the "over" come from. There is an energy of body, mind, emotion, and spirit, yet they are  still one. Deification...

Mindbody Medicine

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
What we think profoundly affects our biochemistry and physiology. Managing our thoughts can have amazing benefits on our health. We can do this through a wide range of therapies that are presented.          

Mitochondria: The Achilles Heel of Cancer Cells

submitted by: admin on 06/24/2016
  Cancer cell mitochondria are the powerhouse and Achilles heel of tumor growth and metastasis. Cancer cells consume more than 5 times the energy than normal cells. This is contradictory to Otto Warberg's Nobel Prize winning thesis that cancer cells produced only limited amounts of ATP by burning glucose (glycolysis). Apparently, Warberg was measuring...

Modifying the GI Microflora Lowers Blood Sugar

submitted by: admin on 07/10/2014
While it has been suspected that the GI microflora have a profound effect on human physiology, there has not been a lot of data supporting that the changes in physiology determine the resulting composition of the microflora. Now there is a study supporting that the microflora can be altered and this can change insulin sensitivity and decrease the risk for developing...

More Harm Than Good in Women Over 70 From Mammograms

submitted by: admin on 04/01/2014
In a paper presented at the European Breast Cancer Conference on March 21, 2014, studies out of the Netherlands concluded that doing mammograms in women from age 70-75 as a screening test did not reduce the incidence of advanced stage breast cancer or save lives. They did report that doing mammograms in this age group led to unnecessary overdiagnosis and overtreatment...

Most MD's Don't Rely on Email

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
While computer technology is advancing, MDs have been reluctant to correspond with their patients using email. Privacy and financial issues are discussed. However, this tool has great potential and will soon be mainstream.          

Movement for Healing with Ofer Erez

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2024
How we move reflects us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It reveals how we relate to life. There are even social aspects of how it is okay to move, especially in natural movements of the hips. It reveals how we relate to life. Restricted movement is related to social reasons.

MRIs Show MDs Can Feel Patients' Pain

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Could it be that it is the relationship between the doctor and patient that does the healing rather than the drugs, surgeries, and technologies they rely on? You betcha! A study published in the January 2013 issue of Molecular Psychiatry showed that the same locations in the brain that light up when patients receive placebo therapies are similarly  activated...

Music for Better Sleep

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
  A study from Wake Forrest Baptist Medical Center published in the November 2012 issue of Brain and Behavior demonstrated that by balancing the electrical activity of the two sides of the brain, when they are out of balance, can enhance more normal sleeping patterns. This technique, called Brainwave Optimization or neurofeedback, can be accomplished...

Myths and Truths About Hormones with Sherrill Sellman, ND

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
Myths and truths are confusing and lead to hormone chaos. Ovaries don't quit at menopause. The story of hormone replacement is exposed. The Women's Health Initiative is discussed and reveals the callous nature of Big Pharma.          

Natural Alternatives to Prescriptions

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
There are 400,000 deaths annually from prescription drugs. There are many far safer natural therapies that are equally or more effective than can be used instead. We review some of these examples.          

Natural vision improvement

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
Mainstream medicine uses technology such as glasses, operations, and drugs to manage eye disorders. Eye exercises are the key to reversing these kinds of problems. It is possible through regular exercises that strengthen muscles in the eye to overcome many of the problems seen with these diseases. If we don't use our muscles they atrophy; if we use them they...


submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
Degeneration of the nerves to the feet is common in conditions such as diabetes. There are no satisfactory treatments in mainstream medicine. The use of infrared light therapy is documented in medical research.          

Never Fear Cancer Again

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2013
Cancer is a symptom of abnormal cellular function that is caused by nutritional deficiencies and toxicities rather than simple genetics. Actually, only 1-2% of cancers a strictly genetic and the rest are caused by epigenetics (lack of nutrients and excessive exposure to toxic environmental chemicals). There is a lot we can do to prevent cancer from developing...

New Breakthroughs in Energy Medicine

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
Infrared light therapy increases circulation, speeds up healing by 50% according to NASA studies, increases lymphatic drainage, adds energy to the mitochondria, and calms down pain fibers. Treatment can be monitored in real time as it is delivered by the use of an infrared scanner, which is recommended. Many conditions are treatable with infrared light therapy.        

New Drugs: Are They Safe?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2024
New drugs are the poorest tested and Americans are the guinea pigs for the first few years after release. Most new drugs have new side effects reported and 20% wind up off the market or with black box warnings.

New Guidelines for Treatment of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

submitted by: admin on 05/05/2015
The American Academy of Neurology has issued new guidelines for effective treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy. It involves the use of multiple drugs that include anti-seizure medications, antidepressants, and narcotics. While it is sometimes necessary to use this toxic polypharmaceutical approach, there are newer highly effective, safe, and affordable options...

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