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Diabetic Neuropathy

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  After 10 years 50% of diabetics will have diabetic neuropathy. It is manifested by numbness, loss of balance, and in 25% severe pain. About 15% will develop ulcers that lead to amputations. Mainstream medicine relies on drugs to manage pain, but has nothing for the numbness or loss of awareness of where the feet are. There has been a major breakthrough...

Dietary Cadmium Linked to Breast Cancer

submitted by: admin on 06/26/2016
  Dietary cadmium that is found in the environment and in phosphate fertilizers has contaminated farmlands and may lead to an increased risk of breast cancer according to a study published in Cancer Research in March of 2012. A study of nearly 56,000 women conducted over 12 years showed that higher exposure to cadmium via diet was linked with a 21% increased...

Do Cell Phones Affect the Brain?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
The prevention of disease means decreasing our Electro Magnetic Field.  Electro Magnetic pollution should be a concern for everybody. Just what effect does EMF have on our bodies?  Does using a cell phone increase our risk of brain cancer?            

Do You Need a Brain Scan if You Have Headaches

submitted by: admin on 04/03/2014
According to an article out of the Univerity of Michigan Medical Center that was published in March of 2014 in the journal, Internal Medicine, we spend about a billion dollars a year for unnecessary brain scans (MRIs and CT scans) on people who have headaches. Their research showed that the incidence of brain tumors, brain aneurysms, and AV malformations...

Eggs, Saturated Fat, and Cholesterol

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Cholesterol is needed by the body to make bile salts for digestion, vitamin D, hormones, neurotransmitters, and cell membranes. The ratio of total cholesterol to HDL provides a metric for the development cholesterol plaque. Lowering cholesterol with drugs may have value for some situations, but it can be lowered too much and create other serious problems.        

ELISA/ACT Testing with Russell Jaffe, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
This is a test of immune memory in lymphocytes that lead to hyperimmune reactions. It measures the body's reactivity to chemicals in the environment. It measures delayed hypersensitivity reactions that are rarely measured in clinical practice. These are direct lymphocyte reactions to antigens in the environment.            

Epidural Injections for Back Pain Cause Fractures

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
  A study at the Henry Ford Hospital found that epidural steroid injections for back pain increased the risk of fracture by 29% with each steroid injection. They compared 3000 patients with severe back pain who had at least one injection with 3000 control patients without an injection. Steroids decrease absorption of calcium in the GI tract and increase...

Essential Oils and Energy Healing with Elizabeth Anne Jones, PhD

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Essential oils have a powerful impact on energetic healing. Kirlian photography shows how the human aura changes in the presence of different oils and has an impact on the energy of our chakras. Examples of the effects of essential oils on chakras is described. Smell, emotion, and memory are stored in the hippocampus and are available through essential oils.             

Fats: What You Need to Know?

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
There are fats that kill and fats that heal. We describe the types of fats and oils and which ones your body must have and which are poisonous. Essential fatty acids are those fats your body cannot make but must have.

First Impressions Can be Harmful to Your Health

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2018
First impressions are powerful and lasting. This carries over into medicine big time. Once we become accustomed to a certain test or treatment we feel deprived when we don't have access to them. Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki review examples of this that include mammograms and breast thermography, drugs and infrared light therapy, routine lab testing and BioEnergy...

Five Pearls for Optimal Health and Well Being with Phillip Miller, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
Dr. Miller offers and discusses five principles for optimal health: no microwaves, reduce cell phone use, get the chlorine out of shower water, get 7-8 hours of sleep, breakfast every am with protein.

Healing with Light by Maurice Bales

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
The inventor of the photon stimulator explains how infrared light works, its applications, and benefits are explained. Interesting case reports are presented.        

Healing with Light by Maurice Bales

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
The inventor of the photon stimulator explains how infrared light works, its applications, and benefits are explained. Interesting case reports are presented.        

HHS Approves Phoney IRB

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
Many medical clinical trials are funded with insufficient review. Just how ridiculous it can be is explored. When funding for research is limited as it is today, we must guide the expenditure of dollars as carefully as possible.

How to Manage Cartilage Tears and Osteoarthitis of the Knee

submitted by: admin on 07/13/2017
  A study of 351 patients over age 45 with knee pain, cartilage tear, and knee osteoarthritis were treated with arthroscopy or physical therapy and evaluated after 6 and 12 months. One third of the physical therapy group elected for arthroscopic surgery but the remainder of the group did as well at 12 months as those getting arthroscopy. In osteoarthritis...

How to Prevent Amputations in Diabetes

submitted by: admin on 10/02/2013
  There is another diabetic amputation every 30 seconds! They are now preventable. Today 15% of people with diabetic neuropathy will have an amputation. After 10 years of having diabetes 50% of people have symptoms of neuropathy that include pain, numbness, and loss of proprioception (balance). There is an epidemic of diabetic neuropathy and treatment...

How to Treat Tennis Elbow

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2017
  Tennis elbow is a repetitive stress injury that results from improper stroke technique and occurs in the lateral epicondyle for backhands and the medial epicondyle for the serve and forehand. All too often the joint is treated with a cortisone injection and physical therapy and the person is told to return to playing tennis when the pain is resolved....

Ignored Medical Breakthroughs

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Every year there are advances in research that should be brought forward into clinical practice but don't make it because of conflicts of interest. One reason is that new technologies may require more study or financial investment by the practitioner. Second, new technologies will replace old ones that are profitable. The example of the photon stimulator...

Infrared Light As Medicine with Maurice Bales

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
Infrared light therapy is perhaps the most impressive new scientific modality that spans many decades of medical breakthroughs. Its ability to improve or eliminate pain, often in minutes, is shocking. This treatment uses near infrared light to increase circulation, provide an increased supply of ATP (the energy to run the body), reduce inflammation, increase...

Infrared Light Therapy

submitted by: admin on 07/12/2017
Infrared light therapy is a very powerful new technology that relieves pain from most conditions including neuropathic pain. The use of an infrared scanner to monitor skin thermal changes in real time is essential to achieve safe and effective treatment. This video gives examples of its application and the article below describes it. Its use in the treatment...

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