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MDs Fail to Promote Prevention

submitted by: admin on 10/10/2013
A Bastyr University study showed that patients with type 2 diabetes who were being followed by MDs did better in controlling blood sugar levels when they received naturopathic care over 6 months. This points out that MDs don't practice the lifestyle measures that naturopaths recommend. Prevention is for the most part given lip service in mainstream medicine.  Conventional...

MDs Over-Prescribe Tests They Profit From

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
  Financial reimbursement and ownership of medical testing equipment leads to over-prescribing of these tests. These types of conflict of interest extend to ownership of MRI and CT facilities, surgicenters, cardiac imaging equipment, laboratory services and much more. A recent article in JAMA documented that MDs over prescribe two types of cardiac stress...

MDs Too Quick to Reach for Prescription Pads

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
US doctors are too quick to reach for their prescription pads according to the Center for Patient Safety Research and Practice. Half of all Americans took at least one prescription drug during the previous month and 1/3 of all people over 60 take five or more drugs! MDs also tend to use the latest and greatest pills rather than those that have been time tested....

Mindbody Medicine

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
What we think profoundly affects our biochemistry and physiology. Managing our thoughts can have amazing benefits on our health. We can do this through a wide range of therapies that are presented.          

Most MD's Don't Rely on Email

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
While computer technology is advancing, MDs have been reluctant to correspond with their patients using email. Privacy and financial issues are discussed. However, this tool has great potential and will soon be mainstream.          

Movement for Healing with Ofer Erez

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
How we move reflects us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It reveals how we relate to life. There are even social aspects of how it is okay to move, especially in natural movements of the hips. It reveals how we relate to life. Restricted movement is related to social reasons.

MRIs Show MDs Can Feel Patients' Pain

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Could it be that it is the relationship between the doctor and patient that does the healing rather than the drugs, surgeries, and technologies they rely on? You betcha! A study published in the January 2013 issue of Molecular Psychiatry showed that the same locations in the brain that light up when patients receive placebo therapies are similarly  activated...

Nurse Burnout and Patient Welfare

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
  In a global study of 100,000 nurses it was found that nurse burnout is widespread. How well nurses fare in their work is a barometer of how well patients are faring. Many RNs lacked confidence that patients could manage their care after discharge. Too many patients and nurse-physician relationships were major issues. What is needed is a reasonable...

Off-Label Usage of Drugs

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
Physicians can use an FDA approved drug for whatever purpose they choose. This is off label use. Drug companies cannot promote drugs for off label indications, but they do. 20% of drugs are used as off-label.

Over-treatment in the ICU is Common

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
  A JAMA survey of almost 2000 doctors and nurses in the ICU in January of 2012 revealed that they believed there is often too much care adminstered to patients. Only occasionally was there insufficient care. Advance directives need to be honored and treatment decisions often require input from multiple sources that include the family, physician, spiritual...

Patient-Centered Care Shortens Hospital Stay

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
  Healthcare that is person-centered not only makes care more efficient but makes for more satisfied patients who are discharged 30% sooner. This kind of care provides a partnership between the patient and the health care practitioner wherein patients participate in making decisions about what treatments they want. We should be treating people...

Paying MDs for Performance: Is it a Good Idea?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
Rewarding MDs for following the policies of an insurance company that employs them is dangerous. One size fits all is not a good model to treat each unique person’s special health care issues.

Physically Fit Students Perform Better Academically

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  According to a study in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fittness in December of 2012, middle school students who are more physically active score better on tests. Most schools are cutting physical activity back and kids are becoming more overweight and at risk for diseases such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis...

Physician Burnout

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Many MDs are leaving practice as HMO medicine is becoming more prevalent. There is a high level of discontent that has led them to retire early or find other work that does not involve seeing patients.          

Physician Training with Francesco Garri Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
People go to medical school because they want to help people. Their training changes their personalities and directs them to become detached scientists. Yet the key aspects of healing have to do with the heart connection with people.          

Physician-Nurse Views on Health Care

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
MDs and nurses have unique approaches in dealing with patients. MDs are more diagnostic and therapeutic and nurses actually care for patients in general. The differences between curing symptoms and healing are discussed.            

Physicians Are Prescribing Non-traditional Medicines More Often

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
More than a third of Americans are now using complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and about one in thirty physicians is making a referral for CAM services. Generally, mind-body therapies are recommended, but only after conventional therapies have been exhausted. Yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises are being prescribed most frequently. Thirty four...

Physicians Prefer Big Pharma Medical Education

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  While physicians realize medical industry funding of continuing medical education credits leads to bias, they continue to prefer this to paying higher fees for independent educational events. Big Pharma and device companies sponsor 60% of the billion dollar CME industry! This shows a serious lack of concern on the part of MDs in obtaining information...

Physiology of Cancer

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  Cancer is an environmental disease that occurs in individuals and treatment must be individualized to each person. Lifestyle affects the expression of cancer as well and should be addressed. Supporting the biological terrain is another aspect of treatment that is not addressed in mainstream oncology.          

Pre-Op Talks with MDs

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
It is important to know the qualifications and personality of your physician in this setting. A heart to heart talk is critical to make decisions about what to do. Physician counseling is very important. Your attitude is critical.          

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