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A Time for Dying

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Dealing with death and dying is a very important issue. For some this is an overwhelming problem and for others it can be a time to make peace with what is happening. We need to come to terms with our situation and make important decisions about how we're going to deal with many challenging issues. Dying people need help with psychospiritual issues as well...

Alternative Health Care Legislation

submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
MDs are now protected from Medical Board persecution by California State Law so long as there is no harm to patients and mainstream treatments are not with-held.          

Are MDs Sleep Deprived?

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
We all know that doctors in training are sleep deprived. Recent data shows that a lot of practicing MDs are also sleep deprived. Lack of sleep leads to medical errors and patient suffering and mortality. MDs in training are abused because of the fraternal nature of medical training and also because it saves millions of dollars for training programs to work MDs...

Assessing Hospital Quality of Care

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
Avoidable readmissions to hospitalization is only one way of measuring quality of hospital care. While they often relate to physician judgment or lack of it, there are many other factors such as patient education about medicines and why they are necessary, administration of medications, social factors for supportive care, and financial matters.                

AstraZeneca Pulls the Plug on Free Trips for Doctors

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
  As a pharmaceutical industry first, AstraZeneca is stopping payments to doctors for attending international medical conferences. They are making it sound like they are leaders who want to do the right only took them half a century to figure this out. Do you think this is a move pressured by something other than their benevolence? Their commenton...

Big Pharma Disclosesures on MD Payments

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The pharmaceutical companies regularly entice physicians to use and support their products by giving them perks. At last they are being required to disclose their financial and other gifts so that their behavior is transparent.        

California Alternative Health Care Bill Passes

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
SB691 protects MDs from medical boards for the practice of CAM. This is a step towards medical freedom for patients. Lines for patient empowerment are discussed and scope of practice are reviewed.      

Chiropractic Care Superior to Medical Treatment with Physical Therapy

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
A recent study conducted by medical professionals outside the chiropractic profession concluded that chiropractic care is more effective for common, work-related, low back pain when compard to treatment by a physical therapist of physician. Overall chiropractic patients had lower medical expenses, fewer disability recurrences, and shorter initial periods of disability....

Congress Cuts Medicare Benefits: Is This the Change We Need?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
President Barack Obama's campaign for presidency tag like was that he'd bring us "The Change We Need." He promised there would be no cuts in health care and that we would provide health insurance coverage for millions of more Americans. However, now that the US budget is a huge challenge, he's signed legislation that can cut up to 2% per...

Containing Health Care Costs

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2024
We spend too much money for what we get back in service, and our health care is rated only 37th in the world. End of life care uses half of all money spent on health care. MDs need to become involved in deciding how money is going to be spent on what. It takes a community of people to make a collaborative decision that is sensible.

Death and Dying with Phillip Scott

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Life is a cycle and is natural. Doctors who have not come to terms with their own mortality cannot give good advice on dying. Working with physicians, families, spiritual leaders, and patients is very important. Making decisions about possible treatment can be challenging when patients are dying. How much treatment and what kinds are appropriate? Every situation...

Defensive Practice in the Emergency Room

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2024
ER physicians are at particular risk for law suits and they tend to over-test people to protect them from making diagnostic errors; they don't know these patients. As a result this drives up the cost for health care.    

Disclosure of Drug Side Effects by MDs

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
MDs rarely disclose the known side effects of a medication with their patients. The medical system expects to use drugs and because it is the primary form of treatment, MDs resist discouraging patients from using drugs.                

Do MDs Learn From Their Mistakes?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
MDs generally don't admit their mistakes unless they are caught. There are a lot of potential repercussions from bringing a mistake into the limelight. Mistakes are actually very common.          

Do MDs Overuse Medicare Services?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Mixing medicine and business lead to conflicts of interest. There are many cases where hospitals, clinics, and MDs overcharge Medicare and situations where they are restricted from delivering good care.

Does Chiropractic Help with Cervical Headaches?

submitted by: admin on 06/01/2014
  There is a clear bias against chiropractic manipulation by most of mainstream medicine, but it is changing from public demand. There is a growing body of impressive evidence that it works for low back pain and for relieving headaches in people with cervical disc disease. In a meta-analysis of 9 studies, 6 showed a positive benefit from chiropractic....

Does Your Doctor Listen to You?

submitted by: admin on 01/21/2015
Several studies have documented that most patients when discharged from the hospital without even knowing their diagnosis, let alone what drugs they are on or why! More than 60% of the time patients don't understand their directions after they visit their doctor. On the average, physicians interrupt their patients after just 18 seconds. How well do doctors...

Drug Company Representatives

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Drug reps know how to sway doctors to use the drugs their company makes using a variety of social techniques. The accuracy and legality of how they operate is discussed. Off-label usage is reviewed.          

Drug Reps Do Not Inform MDs About Dangerous Drug Side Effects

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
  An article published in the April issue of the Journal of General Internal Medicine documented that drug reps fail to inform MDs about dangerous side effects in 59% of cases. Yet these MDs still reported that they we still likely to prescribe these drugs. This is against the law as well as immoral, but there is no resource to monitor what happens in...

Drug Samples, Are They a Good Idea?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Big Pharma is very liberal in giving MDs free samples for their patients. They do this because it introduces the MD to their products and sells them. They are not free as someone has to pay for this, and it is ultimately us.      

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