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What Happened and What Do We Face in Fukushima?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
What happened in Fukushima, Japan on March 11, 2011 may be the most sinister global disaster in the recorded history of our planet. The repercussions of this historic disaster will remain for centuries to come. The manifestations of nuclear radiation from the meltdown of the reactors in Fukushima will haunt humanity in ways that we'll only discover over time....

What Happened and What We Face in Fukushima

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
What happened in Fukushima, Japan on March 11, 2011 may be the most sinister global disaster in the recorded history of our planet. The repercussions of this historic disaster will remain for centuries to come. The manifestations of nuclear radiation from the meltdown of the reactors in Fukushima will haunt humanity in ways that we'll only discover over time....

When is a High Protein Diet a Good Thing?

submitted by: admin on 06/16/2014
According to a study from USC School of Gerontology published in the March 2014 issue of Cell Metabolism, a moderately high protein diet in people over 65 is good for you, but in middle age leads to a two fold increase in oveall mortality and a four fold increase in getting cancer. Protein intake controls growth of IGF-1, which has been linked to developing...

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