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Preview, Health Medicine Overview

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
The history of health medicine is reviewed and its principles described. It is based on four principles that include integrative practice, holism, person-centered care, and prevention. The concept of Healaing Circles is reviewed.

Proactive Dentistry with Andrea Braun, DDS

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Knowing what we are at risk for is the first step and good history starts the process. Looking at the whole person and tailoring treatment to their overall needs is the challenge.          

Proactive Prevention Now! With Russ Jaffe, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
It is very important to prevent disease rather then detect it early. 1% of our population spends 30% of our health care dollars. We need to improve how we deliver care and how we live our lives if we want to feel better and conserve our money.              

Prostate Cancer (video miniseries)

submitted by: admin on 04/08/2015
Most men will get prostate cancer during their life time. That's right, if you live to be 90 years old your risk is 90%! If you live to age 50, 50% will have prostate. However, 98% of prostate cancers do not need treatment because we die with them, not from them! The trick is to tell who is in the 2% that will die from it. With new technologies coming into...

Radical Healthcare Reform and the Future of Medicine

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
  Health care reform (HCR) is a necessity, but little true HCR is on the table for either Democrats or Republicans. Republicans want to privatize or abolish Medicare and Democrats want to increase taxes to fund skyrocketing health care costs. Neither approach represents HCR; they merely address how the present health care system might be sustained. Dean...

Rethinking Chronic Illness with Russ Jaffe, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Chronic disease, degenerative or autoimmune disease we talk about repair deficiency and inflammation. We measure inflammatory factors to determine how much disease is present. If cholesterol is healthy and not oxidized it is good; we need it to make hormones, vitamin D, and cell membranes. We need to measure oxidized forms of cholesterol and other fats. It is...

Rethinking Inflammation with Russ Jaffe, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Inflammation is the final common pathway of illness. Inflammation is a repair deficit problem that must be dealt with if we're going to repair the physiology that leads to cellular dysfunction and disease. Proactive prevention through the alkaline way is a cornerstone of wellness. Homeostasis is about living in balance and harmony with nature. Rediscovering...

Rice Bran May Prevent and Treat Cancer

submitted by: admin on 02/17/2015
  The December issue of Advances in Nutrition reports that rice bran has cancer preventing properties and may also work to slow the progression of colon cancer. Its activity includes slowing down cell proliferation, altering cell cycle progression, and stimulating apoptosis. Only brown rice, not refined white rice, works. It also stimulates the development...

Shifting Medicine from Disease Care to Health Care

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  We cannot sustain a sick care health system and must shift to a true health care system where prevention is the cornerstone of medical practice. In my book, A Return to Healing, I present a 5 point plan that could help encourage a health care paradigm. This program includes: Funding exercise programs both nationally and locally and in every academic...

Should Screening Tests for Cancer be Limited in the Elderly?

submitted by: admin on 09/01/2014
A study out of the University of North Carolina Medical Center in August of 2014 studied more than 27,000 patients over the age of 65 and questioned the widsom of doing routine cancer screening tests, especially if they had a limited life expectancy. They looked at screening tests for prostate, breast, colon, and cervix in a study from 2000 through 2010 and compared...


submitted by: admin on 04/12/2015
  For primary prevention of heart attacks there's no data showing that there's an increase in survival. And there are many side effects of statins that are problematic such as liver inflammation, peripheral neuropathy, muscle inflammation, type 2 diabetes, kidney failure, global amnesia. Lifestyle is still the major way to stop and reverse heart...

Success in Preventing and Curing Type 2 Diabetes

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
                                  "A Return to Healing" Blog:  Tue, 02/09/2010 - 16:21 — BBelitsos America’s epidemic of Type 2 diabetes has become a national emergency. In fact, we are currently fighting a losing war against this disease, which now affects...

Ten Strategies to Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

submitted by: admin on 05/24/2016
  We tend to focus on what causes Alzheimer's disease and how to treat it, but what about how to prevent it? The UCLA Center on Aging has come out with 10 strategies to prevent this common disease. These strategies include coffee, flossing your teeth, keeping your brain active, exercise, omega 3 fatty acids, low stress, adequate sleep, weight control,...

The Best Heart Screening Tests with Beverly Rubik

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  There are a number of new tests that are not in the mainstream that take assessment of arteriosclerosis to a higher level. By measuring the pulse wave in a finger we can assess the state of vascular arteriosclerosis in the heart and brain and even reverse the amount of plaque with interesting supplements. This simple and affordable test needs to be...

The California Health Alliance with Russell Jaffe, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
The purpose of California Health Alliance is to curb the epidemic of obesity and Type 2 diabetes in California. There has been an increase of 5% per year of diabetes in kids under the age of 5. We cannot afford the costs that will be generated from this epidemic. We must shift our health care model from disease care to health care.      

The Future of Health Medicine with Byron Belitsos

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
We don't have reliable scientific research in health care and we desperately need it. The reason for research today is about creating income, social status, or imporance rather than publishing truth and facts. The bulk of research is funded by big pharma, not NIH. The history of research is corrupt and biased. The collusion between FDA, Congress, big pharma and...

The PolyPill and PolyMeal

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
Big pharma has pushed using a combination of several pills (the PolyPill) for everyone to prevent diseases without regard to the complications. The PolyMeal is about having certain foods in your diet regularly to promote health.

The PolyPill: Can It Be Resurrected?

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
The polypill is a brainstorm of the pharmaceutical companies to create a combination of drugs to make it convenient to take multiple medications. However, their real motive is to sell as much drug as possible. Consequently, they have done research under the guise of convenience but with the hope that they can convince the public and the medical profession to...

The Project to End Disease with Raymond Francis

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
The Project to End Disease was founded by Raymond Francis. Health care reform has not addressed the real problem of switching from disease care to health care. We simply do not have a sustainable health care system and there's no plan that works. Abolishing disease is the realistic solution.

The Responsibility of Freedom

submitted by: admin on 12/29/2020
Freedom is something that is earned that must be protected at all times. We have slowly relinquished some of our precious rights over the past several decades, especially since the onset of Covid 19. The direction we're now headed is socialism or even communism as we're witnessing the disappearance of the middle class. Unless we take...

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