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Acupuncture, Hypnosis and Infrared Light Work to Quit Smoking

submitted by: admin on 05/07/2015
A review of 14 studies was published in the American Journal of Medicine in May of 2012 showing that acupuncture, hypnotherapy, and infrared light therapy are effective in helpling quit smoking. Nonetheless, the authors recommended that people try drugs and behavioral therapy first. What are they thinking!! The non-drug approaches work better and are far less...

Do Workplace Wellness Programs Work?

submitted by: admin on 11/08/2017
An article published in the January 2014 issue of Health Affairs reported on cost effectiveness of PepsiCo's workplace wellness program and reported that it had no significant value when it came to financial benefit or for cutting absenteeism, quitting smoking, or reducing weight. They went on to state that regular screening for early detection of diseases...

Is Chantix Safe to Help Quit Smoking?

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Pfizer's drug, Chantix, has already been linked to psychiatric side effects, but now has been found to increase the risk of heart attack in people with a history of heart disease. The risk in the placebo group was 0.9% and in the group on Chantix the risk was 200% higher with a percentage of 2.0. 2.3% needed coronary bypass procedures compared to 0.9% in...

Quitting Smoking Before Surgery

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2024
We know smoking is unhealthy, but before surgery it is particularly problematic. Stopping before surgery makes a big difference in the risk for post operative pulmonary problems. The advantages are discussed.

The Electronic or the E Cigarette

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
As a child I remember walking down to the corner convenience store to buy a candy treat. In my time you could take a quarter and buy a candy bar and get change. If you wanted to look cool, you might buy the white candy cigarettes with the pink tip and pretend to puff your way home. This candy in the shape of a cigarett is legal and always has been. Since...

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