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The Spirituality of Health with James Conlon

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
    The community carries within itself its own special powers of regeneration. Technology cannot do what connection to spirit can. Conventional medicine is radically depraved of the capacity to access, benefit from, and participate in the regenerative powers of the universe. This is our number one health problem in the US. The goal in healing...

Using Emotions as Tools with Judith Orloff, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Emotions are tools for transformation. Each emotion is a spiritual teacher thatallows us to learn more about who we are and how we can transform. Depression is the dark night of the soul; it can be used as a tool to find light within darkness. Depression is not just a biochemical imbalance, but biochemical imbalance is the result of depression.          

What is Health Medicine with Richard Kunin, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
We explore a complete medical model that addresses nutrition, pollution, and stress on the one hand, and on the other our deeper spiritual needs. The job of the physician is to provide adaptation.            

What is Well-Being with Jimmy Parker

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  Well being includes physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual perspectives. The example of how a tennis player addresses a tennis match is discussed in this regard. What we think can be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Why Mental Illness is on the Rise

submitted by: admin on 01/25/2023
There is an epidemic of mental illness that has emerged since the onset of Covid19. Dr. Diane Hennesy Powell is an exceptionally well trained and experienced psychiatrist who discusses with Dr. Len factors such as environmental exposures, certain illnesses, certain pharmaceutical drugs, and the way Covid 19 was managed how this has happened. The role of spirit...

Why Practice Mindful Meditation

submitted by: admin on 07/13/2014
We are all looking for ways to de-stress and relax, and there are many ways to do this. Mindfullness Meditation promotes relaxation by encouraging being present with our challenges and accept them, rather than try to escape them. The Buddha taught that we should practice being with our problems and that when we do this we show up for life. The idea is to become...

Why Premonitions are Important with Larry Dossey, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
Premonitions are related to survival. They often occur in our dreams and emerge into our waking awareness and frequently relate to the maternal child bond. Science and intuition are interrelated but generally discarded because we don't understand what is happening. We need to listen to our patients.

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