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Social Ties, Calmness, and Purpose for the Elderly with Lily Sarafan

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Healthy longevity is discussed. With the cessation of employment elders need additional stimulation through social ties. Many seniors have much to contribute and staying mentally and socially active supports this.        

Taking Charge of Your Life with Francesco Garri Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
If we are going to evolve as a healthy community, it is necessary to start from the grass roots level to be the change you want to see. Social transformation that works must be the way of the peaceful warrior and be an evolutionary process rather than a revolutionary process. Francesco shares the thinking and tools we need to build a healthy community. Francesco...

The Choices We Can Make About Covid 19

submitted by: admin on 09/11/2020
We can and must make choices about our destiny, especially when it comes to the mandates about Covid 19. We must not acquiesce to lockdowns, face masks, or social distancing. We don't have to take the vaccine for Covid 19. We are not bound by the mandates of the FDA, CDC, NIH, or WHO. Time is running out and we cannot continue to be victims. What we can do...

The Importance of Dads

submitted by: admin on 12/16/2013
Scientists from the Research Institute of McGill University Health Center published an article in the journal, Cerebral Cortex, in December of 2013 showing that the absence of the father during critical growth periods leads to impaired social and behavioral defects in mice. Surprisingly, mice are ideal for a study like this because they are raised by...

The Necessity for Social Transformation

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Without social transformation we cannot evolve to a much needed evolutionary change where we are committed to service and the development of true community historically based on self-centered narcissistic greed and survival of the fittest. John Renesch is a social entrepreneur who has published 14 books and hundreds of articles on organizational and social...

The Precedence of Psychiatric Illness in Gangs

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  A study in the UK published in the July 2013 issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry showed that gang members and violent men aged 18-34 had a very high incidence of antisocial behavior (86%), alcoholism (66%), drug addiction (57%), suicide attempts (34%), and anxiety (59%). They blamed this on a much higher incidence of psychiatric illness than...

The Psychology of Covid 19

submitted by: admin on 08/11/2020
Most of us don't have a good understanding of Covid 19 or how it is being played to create havoc in the world. It isn't easy to understand the science of Covid 19 or the actions that are being imposed on us by our government and possibly the deep state. The separation mandating masks, lockdowns, and social distancing is only one aspect...

The Purpose of Purpose with Dixon de Lena

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
The search for purpose varies with what we're involved with. America has lost its focus and has become an economy. Is your purpose worthy of the spirit? We need to integrate business with society for healthful sustainability. What defines success for cultural creatives?        

The Responsibility of Freedom

submitted by: admin on 12/29/2020
Freedom is something that is earned that must be protected at all times. We have slowly relinquished some of our precious rights over the past several decades, especially since the onset of Covid 19. The direction we're now headed is socialism or even communism as we're witnessing the disappearance of the middle class. Unless we take...

The Shame of Obesity

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Shame and humility, especially in teens and pre-teens are a huge problem. We explore the underlying issues that lead to obesity and look at how they can be managed. Social standards vary widely in different eras.          

The Way of the Peaceful Warrior with Arya Bhardwaj

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Life is about giving, not taking, and about being peaceful, not violent. This gives us the basis for the developent of community. Gandhi introduced this non-violent approach for political and social transformation. Showing by example offers the possibility for learning through inspiration.          

The Way We Choose to Live Our Lives with Arya Bhardwaj

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
The way we live our lives dictates how the world will be. Non-violence as a way of living is the teaching of Gandhi. Progress is one step at a time and setting the example is the way for social transformation. Gandhi and Ayurveda offer the historical example of a philosopohy that embraces community and peace developed from non-violence.          

What is Socialized Medicine

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
Socialized medicine means that the government pays for health care. Universal health care means the everyone gets health care, but does not require it be paid for by the government. Obama’s health care plan is discussed.

Why Gandhi with Professor Arya Bhardwaj

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
Gandhi was the first social revolutionary that brought human values to another higher level. Non-violence is nothing new; the vedic tradition is non-violent. Gandhi in action must be brought forward as our basic premise of our community.

Working Together to Deal with Covid 19

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024

Working Together to Deal with Covid 19

submitted by: admin on 09/29/2020
Dr. Len is in the hospital broadcasting this show with Francesco. He feels care he is getting has been superb and the doctors, nurses, and staff have gone out of their way to listen and care. To make a long story short, Dr. Len has severe hypertension from an endocrine imbalance that has been very difficult to control. It has ranged from 220/110 to 60/40...

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