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Can Eating Satisfy Your Hunger with Julie Motz

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
We need to know the deeper reasons for why we overeat and they are usually ignored. Body type and biochemical indviduality is only part of the problem. Maternal-child interactions are at the root of overeating as the child is absolutely dependent for its survival on the mother. Eating can be come a coping mechanism for the trauma and stress of infant hunger ....

Cruciferous Veggies Linked to Breast Cancer Survival

submitted by: admin on 06/26/2016
  Consuming cruciferous vetetables after a diagnosis of breast cancer was associated with improved survival in Chinese women, as reported in the Shanghai Breast Cancer Survival Study in April 2012. Nearly 5000 breast cancer survivors with stage 1-4 cancer were followed prospectively over three years. Comparing the highest quartile with the lowest with...

Do Biopsies Spread Cancer?

submitted by: admin on 01/23/2015
A Mayo Clinic article published in the journal, GUT, in January of 2015 looked at whether or not biopsies of cancers caused spreading of pancreatic cancers. What they found was very surprising. Not only did the cancers not spread the but the survival rate if there was a biopsy was much longer! Wow! This is a bit hard to believe, but it is what they found...

Ductal Carcinoma in situ: Cancer or Benign?

submitted by: admin on 02/24/2025
Between 30 and 50% of new breast cancer diagnoses are found on mammography screenings and are classified as ductal carcinoma in situ, or DCIS. Most of these "cancers" are not cancer at all. In fact about 97% are benign lesions that can be followed over time quite safely. Most cases of DCIS would be better off under-diagnosed and under-treated. Unfortunately,...

Exercise Boosts Immunity Against Cancer

submitted by: admin on 06/25/2016
  Exercising after completing chemotherapy boosts immunity by replacing senescent NK cells with vibrant, healthy NK cells that can fight against the progression of cancer according to an October 2012 article presented at the Integrative Biology of Exercise in October of 2012. This study out of the University of Nebraska studied people who participated...

High Quality Relationships Improve Survival in Breast Cancer

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
  A Kaiser Permanente study published in the November issue of Breast Cancer Research and Treatment showed that either large or high quality social networks extended survival in early-stage invasive breast cancer. They looked at more than 2200 women and found that those who were socially isolated were 34% more likely to die. Women with small networks...

How Vitamin D Affects Cancer

submitted by: admin on 06/24/2016
Vitamin D may increase longevity in people with cancer according to an article from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai in the April 2014 issue of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinoloogy and Metabolism. Scientists measured vitamin D levels in more than 17,000 patients diagnosed wth cancer and found that those with higher levels had better survival...

Is melatonin effective cancer treatment?

submitted by: admin on 06/24/2016
  Melatonin has a wide range of benefits in people with cancer. It is an immune booster (increases NK cells that fight cancer), inhibits angiogenesis, increases apoptosis, alleviates many of the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation thereapy, and is safe, affordable, and available. Research from Cancer Treatment Centers of America shows that...

Is Surgery the Best Treatment for Localized Prostate Cancer?

submitted by: admin on 06/30/2016
  For men with localized prostate cancer, surgery does not save lives and it has a much higher rate of complications such as impotence and incontenance. However, once a man knows he has prostate cancer, he has a powerful drive to get it out even if the data does not support this approach. The word, "cancer" scares us. We need much better...

Knowing the Reputation of Your Hospital and Doctor

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
  Not every hospital is the same and outcomes are different. You can get this information on the Internet. The differences in survival and quality of life are substantially different. There is a tendency for MDs to not report mistakes, especially if it can be covered. The consequences can be devastating to the MD. There are about 100,000 deaths from...

Obesity: What is the Cause? With Julie Motz

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
  Why do we eat when we're not hungry? Our earliest frustration was not being fed when hungry. It is a life and death issue for an infant. This old memory persists and when we're threatened food is still the solution.

Reducing Stress to Increase Breast Cancer Survival

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  Chronic stress is a well known immune suppressant and immunity is critical for cancer survival. There are other mechanisms as well that increase survival that are discussed.            

Stage 4 Chemotherapy Benefits Over-estimated by Patients and Doctors

submitted by: admin on 06/25/2016
  Patients with advanced cancer have the mistaken belief that chemotherapy can cure their illness according to a New England Journal of Medicine article published in October of 2012. This Dana-Farber  Cancer Institute study showe that 69% of advanced lung cancer and 81% of advanced colorectal cancer did not understand that chemotherapy was not at...

Surprise: Bone Drug Boosts Survival in Young Breast Cancer Patients

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Zometa, a bisphosphonate drug used to prevent bone metastases in women with breast cancer, was serendipitously found to reduce metastases and extend life by 37%. This translates to 4-5 out of 100 being alive 7 years later. An IV infusion was given every six months for 3 years. Cost is between $1500 and $2500 per injection. All patients were early-stage and had...

The Necessity for Social Transformation

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Without social transformation we cannot evolve to a much needed evolutionary change where we are committed to service and the development of true community historically based on self-centered narcissistic greed and survival of the fittest. John Renesch is a social entrepreneur who has published 14 books and hundreds of articles on organizational and social...

The Value of Removing Primary Breast Cancer Tumors

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  Women with metastatic breast cancer are 40% more likely to survive if they have the primary tumor removed. It appears that the primary tumor feeds the cancer. Thus, it appears that removing the primary cancer in breast cancer is a good idea.        

What You Can Do to Shrink Your Tumor if You Have Cancer

submitted by: admin on 09/29/2014
There have been many studies documenting that exercise increases survival and quality of life in people with cancer. A study published in JAMA in May of 2005 showed that just 3-5 hours of walking at 2-3 mph reduced deaths by 50% for women with hormone sensitive breast tumors. There was an absolute 6% decrease in mortality at 10 years. A second study published...

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