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Ecologically Sustainable Medicine

submitted by: admin on 12/22/2024
needs text and keywords

Green Health Care with Joel Kreisberg, DC

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
Practicing ecologically sustainable medicine is what the Teleosis Organization teaches. Building materials are environmentally safe and non-toxic to its inhabitants and produce a safe environment. Tips to do this are offered.          

Health Care Costs Challenge Industry

submitted by: admin on 12/22/2024
The demise of the US auto industry in large part was related to unaffordable health care costs. GM has been referred to as an insurance company that makes cars! US health care costs are double most industrialized countries.

Shifting Medicine from Disease Care to Health Care

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  We cannot sustain a sick care health system and must shift to a true health care system where prevention is the cornerstone of medical practice. In my book, A Return to Healing, I present a 5 point plan that could help encourage a health care paradigm. This program includes: Funding exercise programs both nationally and locally and in every academic...

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