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Natural vision improvement

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
Mainstream medicine uses technology such as glasses, operations, and drugs to manage eye disorders. Eye exercises are the key to reversing these kinds of problems. It is possible through regular exercises that strengthen muscles in the eye to overcome many of the problems seen with these diseases. If we don't use our muscles they atrophy; if we use them they...

Patients Rarely Told of Medication Errors in the Hospital

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
  According to an article in the January 2013 issue of Critical Care Medicine, patients and their families are rarely told when there is a medication error in the hospital. Eight hundred and forty thousand voluntarily reported medication errors from 537 US hospitals over 6 years were evaluated. You can just imagine how many errors there were that went...

PTSD: How Common is it in the Military?

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
It is hard to imagine that anyone in military combat does not come home with PTSD. Yet the VA does not recognize this in except a small minority of returning veterans.

Safe Household Products

submitted by: admin on 08/04/2014
There are about 17,000 chemicals in common household products and few are tested for safety or tested before they are put on the store shelves. The terms on the labels (organic, natural) are unregulated.   Commercial cleaners are polluting our homes and contributing to the rise in chronic diseases including asthma and allergies because they weaken our...

Stress Increases the Risk for a Heart Attack

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
  A Danish study published in April of 2013 of 11,000 patients without heart disease were followed for 16 years and grouped on the basis of mental vulnerability (tendency for psychosomatic problems or poor interpersonal relationships). They found that the mentally vulnerable had a 36% higher risk for a cardiovascular event. A second study of 14,000...

The Electronic or the E Cigarette

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
As a child I remember walking down to the corner convenience store to buy a candy treat. In my time you could take a quarter and buy a candy bar and get change. If you wanted to look cool, you might buy the white candy cigarettes with the pink tip and pretend to puff your way home. This candy in the shape of a cigarett is legal and always has been. Since...

The Strong Evidence for the Healing Power of Prayer

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2024
Most people know from personal experience that prayer is an effective therapy. This is the reason why human beings have prayed for thousands of years. This alone should be sufficient for the medical profession to support prayer as a formal medical therapy. However, there is considerable scientific evidence in mainstream medical literature validating the effectiveness...

Too Much Iron Accelerates Aging

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  Iron storage disease, or hemochromatosis, affects 10-15% of the population, and perhaps even more if you know how to diagnose it. Iron overload increases free radical damage via the Fenton reaction. Hepcidin is a hormone that regulates iron levels by increasing the absorption of iron. The is new research showing that at least experimentally it is possible...

What Causes Type 2 Diabetes?

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Diabetes is a disease of relationships between blood sugar and blood insulin levels. What insulin does and how it functions in type 2 diabetes. Sugar consumption, especially high fructose corn syrup and lack of exercise has a lot to do with causing the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.      

When You Eat Affects Your Weight

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
  When it comes to weight, when you eat may be as important as what and how much you eat according to an article in the May 2012 issue of Cell Metabolism. When mice on a high fat diet are restricted to consuming their meals (with the same number of calories) over eight hours as opposed to 24 hours, they gain less weight, had less fat in their liver,...

Why Mainstream Medicine Resists CAM

submitted by: admin on 12/17/2014
An article published in the December 2014 supplement of Medical Care presented 14 original studies promoting the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in the military to manage PTSD. They reported that CAM programs are now offered in 90% of VA hospitals today for chronic pain, anxiety, PTSD, and depression. They can do this because they are...

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