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The FDA is Bragging that the US Approves Drugs Faster than Europe

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  Americans last year got access to 24 new medications before they became available in Europe. User fees from drug companies made this possible; they now provide about 1/3 of all funding that the FDA gets. This sets up a serious conflict of interest for the FDA that makes them beholden to Big Pharma's wishes. Far too many look alike drugs are...

The FDA's Criteria for Approving New Drugs Will Blow Your Mind

submitted by: admin on 02/09/2014
According to a Yale School of Medicine study published in the January 22, 2014 issue of JAMA, reviewed 188 drugs and technologies from 2005-2012 and documented that more than 1/3 of the drugs were approved not only on the basis of a single clinical trial, but also were often small, short, and involved surrogate metrics rather than clear clinical endpoints. It...

The Importance of Digestion with Dr. Richard Kunin

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
One of the best kept secrets of medicine is the role of the digestive tract and its relationship to our immune system.  The so called Leaky Gut Syndrome; the fact that there's a lot of immune cells in the digestive tract called the Galt system, probably 60 -70 percent of all our immune cells are in the digestive tract.  The role of the intestinal...

The Meaning of Medicine with Dr. Richard Kunin

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Dr. Kunin has devoted his life to the real part of medicine which is the natural way to look at how cells works, how cells biochemistry is affected by what we do, and what goes on during illness.  Meganutrition means nutrition is very important. Dr. Saputo and Dr. Kunin look at how they practice medicine and it's a lot different then people think. It's...

The Role of Spirit in Healing with Jim Conlon

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  We live in a culture characterized by fragmentation within and alienation without. All that is in the universe will heal itself if properly stimulated. Health and healing is about creating the conditions that allow healing to occur.

The Saftey of Newly Approved Drugs

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
We are guinea pigs whenever a new drug comes onto the market. This is especially true for drugs that are "fast tracked" through the FDA. Post approval clinical trials are required in this setting by the FDA from big pharma, but often they are not done. Older drugs that have been on the market for decades are generally better tested and safer.

The Sorry State of US Health Care

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
A recent article reviewing the state of US health care comes to the conclusion that “we are in a sorry state.” They say the solution is developing a better system where we work together with powerful organizations such as insurance companies, HMOs, the corporate for-profit hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies and maybe lower the cost of health...

The Sound Track of the Human Brain

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  Scientists from China published an article in PLOS ONEcombined and translated two kinds of brain waves into music. The EEG was used to create pitch and duration of a note, and the fMRI to control the intensity of music. These scientists believe it is possible to influence how the brain thinks by using biofeedback with this music. So does the Department...

The Spirituality of Health with James Conlon

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
    The community carries within itself its own special powers of regeneration. Technology cannot do what connection to spirit can. Conventional medicine is radically depraved of the capacity to access, benefit from, and participate in the regenerative powers of the universe. This is our number one health problem in the US. The goal in healing...

Therapeutic Yoga with Bonnie Maeda, RN

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Yoga can be used to treat medical conditions such as cancer or fibromyalgia. Restorative yoga is more passive and receptive. Combining poses that are supported with breathing techniques a deep relaxation state is achieved.            

Toxicity of Food with Beverly Rubik, PhD

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  Processed foods are not  real food and they are not healthy for us. Reading ingredients is critical. The toxins added to food contribute to the epidemic of chronic degenerative diseases. Inflammation follows and ruins our health.

Toxicity of Pollution

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
Pollution now affects even the waters at the poles of the earth. A study on the extent of pollution in humans was done and is presented. CDC studies on the importance of pollution are inadequate.

Tracking Lifestyle Changes

submitted by: admin on 10/19/2019
Lifestyle is our most important prescription for good health. On you can track your progress over time using our unique tracking system on your very own home page. Once you become a member you can follow your lifesytyle changes and your improvement over time of any health care condition you have and see how much healthier you are.          

Treating Cancer Holistically

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  While it is illegal to treat cancer in California using CAM approaches, it is possible to support wellness, especially of the immune system. There are often many genetic defects that lead to cancer growth. If you target just one of them, adaptation is possible. However, by using low dose therapies in combination might do much to target many of them....

Treating Insomnia

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  Many of the most common reasons for insomnia are reviewed. Treatment should be directed to the underlying cause. Sleeping aids are addicting and only effective for short periods. Alternatives are reviewed.

Triglycerides: What You Need to Know

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
Triglycerides are defined. We need them for energy, energy storage, insulation, mambrane function. When levels are too high problems follow. Diets too high in sugar lead to high levels of insulin and of triglycerides as well as blood pressure and a tendency to lay down fat. Exercise is the antidote to this, as is a low carbohydrate diet. We burn fat as our primary...

Understanding the Metabolic Syndrome

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  The epidemic of type 2 diabetes is for the most part silent. It it not just about blood sugar levels, it is about insulin resistance. The interaction between blood sugar levels and insulin are reviewed as are its consequences. Fat buildup in the abdomen accumulates and leads to the vascular complications of diabetes. The value of a low carb diet is...

Using Your Mind to Regulate Pain with John Leonard

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
It is possible to use our mind to regulate pain. By using special techniques it is possible to turn off the sadness, anger, and other emotions it can help us function with less pain. Neurobehavioral behaviors can be modulated to relieve pain.            

Vitamin B12, Cognitive Decline, and Homocysteine

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
People with low B12 levels are at risk for cognitive decline. Measuring B12 levels and markers are the best way to detect deficiencies. Some issues related to homocysteine metabolism are involved.          

Vitamin C, Cancer, and More with Richard Kunin, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Linus Pauling found a seven-fold increase in longevity with the use of vitamin C.  Animals have the ability to make their own vitamin C, whereas humans do not have the chemistry necessary perform the chemical reactions.  Some research has shown that Vitamin C administered by IV can kill cancer cells.  Giving IV Vitamin C can be dangerous and so...

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