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A Manifesto for Medical Practice with Wes Rocki

submitted by: admin on 10/19/2019
Today's medicine is fear based and geared to one size fits all. The new medicine is based on self healing, identifying the underlying psychospiritual roots of illness, and looking at the whole person. In his Manifesto for a New Medicine, Dr. Rocki shares his ideas about what needs to change in today's health care to provide health and vitality.              

A Return To Healing Chapter 3: How Scientific is Scientific Medicine?

submitted by: admin on 03/27/2015
    Proclaiming to be scientific and being scientific are two different things. Medical research and practice have about 15% solid science. The model of practice is narrowly focused on pharmacology and technology that treats symptoms, not the cause of illness. We are at war with nature and fail to address the natural healing capacity of the...

Abnormal Heart Rhythms

submitted by: admin on 02/18/2015
Abnormal heart rhythms may arise because peri-infarction tissues are very irritable and electrically unstable. These rhythms can compromise cardiac output and be lethal. It is very important to take your medicines if you have a problem with abnormal heart rhythms because they can result in a reduction in cardiac output that can be critical. Dr. Saputo recommends...

Atrial Fibrillation

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
  Atrial fibrillation occurs when the top part of the heart, called the atria, beats at around 300 beats per minute and leads to ineffective contraction of the atria. This predisposes to clots forming in the left atrium that can break off and travel to the brain and block circulation and result in strokes. Anticoagulation is the treatment of choice but...

Atrial Fibrillation Overview

submitted by: admin on 02/18/2015
  The physiology of this very common rhythm problem is reviewed with attention to stroke and lowered cardiac output. The causes of atrial fibrillation, its symptoms, diagnostics, and treatment are reviewed. Fish oil may be preventative for the development of atrial fibrillation but it does little once it has been established to convert atrial fibrillation...

Copper Kills 97% of ICU Bacteria

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Antimicrobial copper surfaces in ICU kill 97% of bacteria that can cause hospital-acquired infections (HAI). This translates into a 40% reduction in the risk of getting an HAI. Five percent of all hospitalizations are complicated by an HAI and this leads to more than 100,000 deaths annually in the US. Copper should be put on bed rails, tray tables, call buttons,...

Death By Medicine

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2024
In a landmark publication, Gary Null et al review the impact of mainstream medical practice in causing morbidity and mortality in the US. Their shocking statistics are reviewed.There is a staggering one million people who die annually.   "Death By Medicine" Documentary Wins "Best of Fest" Award, February 9, 2011 We're thrilled to announce that our recently...

Energy Medicine with Marc Weill

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Marc takes a look at energy medicine from the perspective of applied kinesiology and describes how he uses it and what it treats. Applied kinesiology, iridology, electrodermal screening are some of the modalities used in energy medicine in Europe that are starting to make their way into the progressive health care practitioners practices in the US. Managing...

Heart Attacks Overview

submitted by: admin on 02/20/2015
  The causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and consequences of heart attacks are reviewed. Laboratory tests to assess the extent and dangers of arteriosclerosis are described and mainstream and alternative forms of treatment offered. Prevention and reversibility are reviewed.            

Heart Disease

submitted by: admin on 09/23/2013
This the number one cause of death in the US. We don't deal with underlying causes and tend to rely on treating symptoms. There is much to be learned from a good workup that can reverse this disease.          

How to Deal with Human Suffering

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
Suffering is not necessary, it is a choice. Human flourishing with happiness, well being, and compassion are natural. It is necessary to know about suffering; the experience of suffering and then learn the causes before applying solutions. Most suffering comes from our personal afflictions such as jealousy, anger, pride, greediness, etc. Where do they develop...

Hypertension Overview

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Are you one of the millions of people who have hypertension?  Would you be surprised to find out that you may be a candidate for simple lifestyle changes that can get you off medication? This overview of hypertension defines what it is, how to diagnose it, its complications, causes, and treatment. Hypertension is often over-diagnosed when taken in the...

Hypertension: Treating the Cause

submitted by: admin on 10/08/2013
Drugs treat the symptoms, not the cause of hypertension. Stress is the predominant cause of hypertension. Lack of sleep also causes hypertension. Sedatives lower blood pressure as well as antihypertensive drugs.        

Hypertension: Using Lifestyle to Manage It

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Hypertension does not have to be permanent. It is related to the style in which we live our lives and we can modify that. Underlying causes and tools for treatment are described.            


submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Indigestion usually results from a weak gut lining caused by drugs such as aspirin, steroids and NSAIDs, and physical or emotional stress, depression. Treatment with drugs is dangerous and addicting.          

Infection Can Lead to Cancer

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
  A new MIT study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in June of 2012 showed that chronic viral and bacterial infections account for 16% of cancers of the liver, colon, and stomach. When the body's immune system detects pathogens it activates macrophages and neutrophils to engulf and kill them with hypochlorous acid. When...

Influenza Viruses (2007)

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
The difference between influenza virus types and their immunology are reviewed. How widespread and serious is influenza? What is the Bird Flu?        


submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Sleep is one of the most important lifestyle factors. Prolonged insomnia leads to inflammation and a whole host of illnesses that include hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, overweight, and suppressed immunity. There are hormonal imbalances as well, that include insulin, leptin, ghrelin, adrenal hormones and neurotransmitters that cause profound...

Kidney Stones

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2024
Kidney Stones are very painful when they are passing into the ureter. They are generally made of calcium oxalate, uric acid or struvite. Collecting a 24 hour urine sample to analyze a stone is the best way to find out their composition. Treatment is centered on increasing water intake to a couple of quarts a day and managing the pain. Occasionally it is necessary...

Living Life Lightly to Reduce Stress with Sue Walden

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Stress is universal, some internal and some external. Our minds can turn life events into something stressful and we dwell in the past. Identifying stress is the first step. Most stresses are internally generated and controllable. Worry and fear sustain stress.

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