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Red Meat Consumption Linked to Cardiovascular and Cancer Mortality

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
A Harvard study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in March of 2012 found that red meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of total, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality. They also showed that substituting other healthly protein sources was associated with a lower mortality risk. They studied 37,000 men and 83,000 women for up to...

Reducing Complications may Cost Hospitals Money

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  Hospitals have a financial incentive to not reduce complications because they are paid per each treatment and each lab or other test according to an article published in the April issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. While this may not be what hospitals are overtly thinking, the problem is how motivated are they to reduce complications? Between...

Reducing Stress to Increase Breast Cancer Survival

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  Chronic stress is a well known immune suppressant and immunity is critical for cancer survival. There are other mechanisms as well that increase survival that are discussed.            

Resistant Microbes Found in Half of Infected Patient Rooms

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Multidrug resistant microbes such as acinetobacker baumannii, MRSA, C. diff, and vancomycin resistant enterococcus are found in 50% of infected patients rooms up to 2 months later! Patients with weakened immunity are especially vulnerable. These microbes are found on places that include supply cart handles, floors, infusion pumps, ventilator touch pads, bed rails,...

Resolving the Change, America Needs with Jared Dalen and Len Saputo MD

submitted by: admin on 06/18/2020
Resolving the Change, America Needs with Jared Dalen and Dr. Len Saputo MD   Tonight is the beginning of a new era for The Voice of Reason. Until now, Dr. Len has focused on the science behind Covid 19 and the perspective of how the mainstream medical news has analyzed it. What has  emerged from this information that seems isolated and disjointed,...

Resolving the Change, America Needs with Jared Dalen and Len Saputo MD

submitted by: admin on 07/10/2020
Tonight is the beginning of a new era for The Voice of Reason. Until now, Dr. Len has focused on the science behind Covid 19 and the perspective of how the mainstream medical news has analyzed it. What has emerged from this information that seems isolated and disjointed, is seems confusing, however, after months of analysis turns out to be an underlying highly...

Role of Ultrasound in Breast Cancer Evaluations

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  Mammograms have severe limitations in finding cancers in premenopausal women, especially with dense breast tissue. Ultrasound helps differentiate solid cancerous tissue from commonly found fibrocystic changes.            

Rosen Method Bodywork with Linda Chrisman, MA, CMT

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
Marion Rosen stated: the body never lies and it reveals what the emotions desperately attempt to hide. Through this amazing style of bodywork, many people are able to find the deepest meaning of their physical illnesses.

Science, Spirituality and Covid 19 and Where we are Now!

submitted by: admin on 08/07/2020
We are learning that we cannot trust the information, recommendations,  and mandates of our government when it comes to Covid 19. There is an abundance of misinformation that changes over time and often makes no sense. We are depending on a test for diagnosis that is far from accurate, data on theprevalence and mortality that is simply...

Selecting a Hospital Matters

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
Hospitals are rated and survival and outcomes depend on how good they are. There’s a 65% difference in outcomes depending on the hospital you select. Doing your homework is essential. We discuss the differences.

Self Foregiveness with Belinda Farrell

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
Healing is related to self forgiveness. We only make a certain amount of energy every day and it is easy to waste it. Forgiveness is a way of eliminating these energy suckers.

Shamanic Therapy: Healing the Wound of Separation

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Shamonic therapy is looking at the wound of separation; it is the return to wholeness. The shaman is the midwife who travels to the other world and brings back healing to the world. When we're separated from our truth we need help. Finding purpose in life depends on being authentic. Tools of the shaman include being involved in loving, giving, sharing, and...

Should Angelina Jolie have had a Bilateral Mastectomy?

submitted by: admin on 05/20/2016
  We can't blame Angelina Jolie for choosing to have a bilateral mastectomy because of the BRCA 1 gene defect. She has every right to deal with this issue. However, we can blame her and the press for sensationalizing her choice and influencing millions of women when it comes to their making a choice about how to deal with having the BRCA 1 or BRCA...

Should Doctors Follow their Intuition?

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
The October 10, 2012 issue of the British Medical Journal reported that MD gut feelings should be seriously considered because they have valuable diagnostic value. It is interesting that the validity of gut feelings was the same for both new and highly experienced MDs. Where does this information come from? Do we have a connection with spirit? Dr. Len and...

Should Participation in Vaccine Trials be Mandated?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
  Two MDs from Oxford, England published an article in the AMA's Journal of Ethics stating that they would consider forcibly injecting experimental vaccines "for the greater good of society." However, they preferred that a mandated choice required by law to compel people to state in advance their willingness to participate in vaccine trials. This...

Should You Take the Swine Flu Vaccine?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
This vaccine is a scam. The data supporting its value is non-existent and the risk for side effects untested. There are no studies proving its effectiveness and the illness is less dangerous than the regular flu.

Sleep and Vaccine Effectiveness

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  The pharmaceutical companies and the CDC are more concerned with having us take vaccines than making sure that once given they will actually work. In general the people who might benefit most from an immunization are those in which the vaccine is not likely to work. This includes people with decreased immunity, such as cancer, AIDS, chronic diseases,...

Sleeping Together: The Challenges

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
The dynamic of sharing sleeping space is very interesting. Len and Vicki share interesting stories related to sleeping habits; snoring, white noise, colds, blanket sharing, restless legs, and much more are discussed.


submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Smoking is one of the most difficult addictions to break. It is also responsible for more than 400,000 deaths annually in the US and at a cost of $500 billion. The tobacco companies spend $20 billion per year to advertise their products. There are more than 4000 chemicals in tobacco smoke. The tobacco industry has added a number of chemicals that make it even...

Social Ties, Calmness, and Purpose for the Elderly with Lily Sarafan

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Healthy longevity is discussed. With the cessation of employment elders need additional stimulation through social ties. Many seniors have much to contribute and staying mentally and socially active supports this.        

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