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How Thoughts Affect Our Health and a Vaccine Update

submitted by: admin on 07/28/2020
What we think, feel, and do have profound effects on our biochemistry, physiology, and health. They modulate our neurotransmitters, hormones, immunity and much more. There's little that is unaffected by our thoughts, feelings, and actions. This approach can make the difference of how our bodies are able to respond to Covid 19. Dr. Len and Francesco delve...

Is There a Supplement in Your Medicine Cabinet that Can Treat Ebola?

submitted by: admin on 10/19/2019
Ebola is still big in the news and it is being hyped up as a major danger to the entire world. The US has just sent 3000 troops to West Africa to help contain Ebola spread and the pharmaceutical industry is working feverishly to come up with a vaccine and drug to fight this dreaded disease. The entire world is frightened by the threat of global spread of Ebola. Of...

Is There Something Neither the CDC nor Your Doctor is not Telling You About the Flu Shot?

submitted by: admin on 10/24/2018
Disinformation, fear, and confusion is what the CDC, White House, FDA, and WHO have created in the great infection deception during the 2009-10 Swine flu "pandemic." And they are at it again! By proclamation, these groups continue to lie to us by telling us that we should all be getting our flu shots once again to prevent the disability and deaths from...

Love: The Essence of Being with Emmett Miller, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/08/2024
Embracing wholeness synergizes the love within. If each of us build a commonality where we become inseparable, the power of connection and love emerges. Emmett’s beautiful stories will warm your heart...

Moderna Entanglements

submitted by: admin on 09/08/2020
With all that is happening in the world today, it is paramount to stay  centered and remain positive. We're all in this together and the only  way out is together! With the exposure of what the pharmaceutical  company, Moderna, is getting, it is becoming very clear that the NIH,  CDC, FDA, WHO, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and others...

Nutritional Medicine with Geoffrey Marx

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
Nutritional medicine is an important fundamental of good health. What we eat determines our health now and how we age. It can be the basis for healing. Without taking in the raw materials we need, we simply cannot make certain cellular products and we'll malfunction. Biochemical individuality is discussed.            

Psychological Challenges of Covid 19

submitted by: admin on 07/10/2020
There is so much conflicting and disinformation about Covid 19 that it is near impossible for the average person to know the truth about its impact on America. It is difficult enough even for doctors who have spent hundreds of hours studying Covid 19 to know this. This coupled with the conflicts of interest of the FDA, CDC, NIH, and WHO adds tremendously to the...

Putting Together the Pieces of the Covid 19 Puzzle

submitted by: admin on 06/16/2020
Dr. Len has been following the progression of the Covid 19 pandemic and has uncovered glaring inconsistencies that are forming a pattern that is emerging. He will review aspects of this pandemic that on the surface make little sense until the dots are connected...then what is surfacing is terrifying. This, when coupled with widespread censoring and news that...

Red Meat Consumption Linked to Cardiovascular and Cancer Mortality

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
A Harvard study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in March of 2012 found that red meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of total, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality. They also showed that substituting other healthly protein sources was associated with a lower mortality risk. They studied 37,000 men and 83,000 women for up to...

Science, Spirituality and Covid 19 and Where we are Now!

submitted by: admin on 08/07/2020
We are learning that we cannot trust the information, recommendations,  and mandates of our government when it comes to Covid 19. There is an abundance of misinformation that changes over time and often makes no sense. We are depending on a test for diagnosis that is far from accurate, data on theprevalence and mortality that is simply...

Science, Spirituality and Medicine

submitted by: admin on 09/17/2016
This essay explores the roles of science and spirituality in our human experience and how they complement one another in our quest to understand how the Universe works. Click on the download box below to access the file  

Sensible Protection Against Skin Cancer

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  The American Academy of Pediatrics, the World Health Organization, and the American Academy of Dermatology are urging MD's to counsel fair-skinned youth about sun protection. They are pushing for tanning booth regulation for minors. The risk for vitamin D deficiency is highlighted. One person in 50 will get melanoma and there are 3.5 million skin...

Shamanic Therapy: Healing the Wound of Separation

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Shamonic therapy is looking at the wound of separation; it is the return to wholeness. The shaman is the midwife who travels to the other world and brings back healing to the world. When we're separated from our truth we need help. Finding purpose in life depends on being authentic. Tools of the shaman include being involved in loving, giving, sharing, and...

Smarter Lunchrooms Improve Nutrition

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  The USDA in January of 2013 passed regulations designed to make school lunches more nutritious by requiring they increase whole grains and make students select either a fruit or vegetable with their purchased lunch. A study published in the February 2013 Journal of Pediatrics reported that this could be done within 3 hours and for a cost of $50...

Spiritual Psychology with Cat Miller

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Spiritual psychology blends our spirituality and psychology and helps us reconnect with the unity of the universe. Through intention the psychic reader tunes into the information in the universe. Being present is an important key to connecting with universal source information.

Statins: Who Should Use Them?

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Statin usage is way overused in medical practice. These drugs have significant side effects that can severely compromise our health. Lifestyle is a superior way to manage arteriosclerosis.        

The Alkaline Way: How to Manage it with Russ Jaffe, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Practicing the alkaline way begins with eating whole foods that contribute minerals that buffer, healthy fats, and alkaline amino acids that exist around the periphery of the grocery store. This means including fresh fruits and veggies, lentils and beans and pulses, healthy seeds and nuts, sprouts and herbs, and natural whole foods. We don't want foods that...

The Alkaline Way: What is it with Russ Jaffe, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Our cells produce more acid than alkaline buffer. It is partly because of what we eat, but it is inherent in our metabolism. The body is acidic by nature and alkaline by design. Our mineral reserves are deep, but over years we become depleted and suffer from many diseases. Only one brand of pH paper that is reliable. The first morning urine or after 6 hours of...

The Choices We Can Make About Covid 19

submitted by: admin on 09/11/2020
We can and must make choices about our destiny, especially when it comes to the mandates about Covid 19. We must not acquiesce to lockdowns, face masks, or social distancing. We don't have to take the vaccine for Covid 19. We are not bound by the mandates of the FDA, CDC, NIH, or WHO. Time is running out and we cannot continue to be victims. What we can do...

The Deep State's Relation to Covid 19

submitted by: admin on 06/20/2020
The story of Covid 19 is full of questions with no sensible answers. It is becoming clear that the answers to these questions require new approaches. Dr. Len and his guest Mike Buchele, MD offer alternative thoughts about what might be going on that involve conspiracies related to the Gates Foundation, Anthony Fauci, NIH, CDC, FDA, and WHO. They address the use...

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