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Type 2 Diabetes

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Type 2 diabetes is nearly always a preventable disease and is usually reversible using lifestyle strategies by themselves. There are dozens of medications available to treat elevated blood sugar levels, but nearly all of them have common potentially serious "side effects." There are also a wide range of nutritional supplements that are equally effective...

Sleep Apnea Overview

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
  There are two types of sleep apnea, obstructive and central nervous system induced. Sleep is non-restorative even though people often sleep through the whole night. Fatigue the next day and accidents are problems. Symptoms are aggravated by smoking, use of alcohol or sedatives. A sleep study is important in making the diagnosis. Treatment is with a...


submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Sleep is one of the most important lifestyle factors. Prolonged insomnia leads to inflammation and a whole host of illnesses that include hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, overweight, and suppressed immunity. There are hormonal imbalances as well, that include insulin, leptin, ghrelin, adrenal hormones and neurotransmitters that cause profound...

Heart Attacks

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
  Heart attacks are the leading cause of death in the US, yet a hundred years ago they were a rarity. Artiosclerotic heart disease is a preventable disease that is nearly always reversable by living a health lifestyle. Heart attacks are an epigenetic disease caused by an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, insufficient sleep, being overweight, being exposed...

Antidepressants Linked to Thicker Arteries

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Antidepressants have now been linked to arteriosclerosis. Studies on the thickness of the carotid artery show that there is a progression of arteriosclerosis that is four times more than normal if someone is on an SSRI antidepressant in identical twins when one is on an SSRI antidepressant the other is not. This adds to the welln known dangers of using these...

Cancer Prevention

submitted by: admin on 02/16/2015
The early detection of cancer is often confused with cancer prevention. It is far better to not get cancer than to deal with even the very earliest of cancers. A healthy lifestyle is the most powerful medicine in the universe and it is within our power to pay attention to the style in which we live our lives! We know what causes cancer and it is straightforward...


submitted by: admin on 02/16/2015
The definition of cancer means that cancer cells don't die as they are programmed, they lack apoptosis. The reasons for this range from genetic defects to overgrowth of chromosomes. Cancer is believed to be caused by genetic and epigenetic factors that include poor lifestyle, radiation exposure, infections, pollution, and more. The spread of cancer is complicated;...

Dr. Saputo's Top 10

submitted by: admin on 02/16/2015
  Alzheimer's Disease   Alzheimer's disease (AD) is like an electrical "brown out" that develops as energy production in certain brain cells begins to fail. Using nutritional tools makes it possible to resuscitate mitochondrial energy production and either stabilize or improve symptoms. Drugs are of known minimal value...

What Test Can Predict Mortality 10-15 Years Early

submitted by: admin on 01/07/2015
In a study out of Johns Hopkins University that was published in the December 2014 issue of the Journal of Molecular Biology, researchers found that the amount of mitochondrial DNA found in blood directly correlated with frailty and longevity 10-15 years before symptoms appeared. Patients were followed over 10-20 years looking at the amount of mitochondrial DNA...

Does Smoking Cause Weight Gain

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2014
Many people fear quitting smoking because they fear gaining weight. We've all seen this happen. But, does smoking cause weight gain?  To the surprise of many, smoking does cause weight gain. Quitting smoking also causes weight gain!  A study from BYU published in the November 2014 issue of the American Journal of Physiology documents...

How Weight Loss Pills Make You Gain Weight

submitted by: admin on 11/20/2014
Weight loss pills in general don't help you lose much weight over either the short or long term. And they have potential serious and at times even life-threatening side effects. Dr. Len does not recommend any weight loss pills for his patients. It is better to be over weight than take a pill that does very little and can be harmful. The market is flooded...

The Danger of Gaining Just Five Pounds

submitted by: admin on 09/30/2014
Gaining just five pounds can increase your blood pressure and lead to more weight around the middle according to a Mayo Clinic study presented at the American Heart Association's High Blood Pressure Research Scientific Sessions in September of 2014. In this study researchers tested blood pressures using 24 hour abulatory blood pressure monitors before and...

When is it Okay to Take an Antidepressant

submitted by: admin on 09/13/2014
In our pharmaceutically oriented culture, antidepressants are often looked as the solution for depression. We want the quickest fix that will get us back on our feet and back to work. And the medical profession has been trained to resort to using antidepressants, especially the SSRI type that include Prosac, Zoloft, Celexa, Lexapro, Paxil, and Luvox rather than...

Why You Need a Wellness Coach

submitted by: admin on 09/09/2014
A scientific study published in the August 2014 issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings reported that wellness coaching are starting to become popular as people become more concerned with how to improve the overall quality of their life. The medical paradigm in the US is shifting from disease care to health care, and it is about time. Programs on wellness coaching...

Watching TV Can Lead to Premature Death

submitted by: admin on 07/08/2014
A study done at the University of Navarra in Spain published an article in the Journal of the American Heart Association in June of 2014 that followed more than 13,000 healthy people with an average age of 37 for more than 8 years. They assessed 3 different types of sedentary behavior to see if they had an effect on premature mortality. What they discovered...

General Wellness and Prevention Protocol

submitted by: admin on 06/09/2014
  We cannot be healthy if we don't live a healthy lifestyle. If all of our cells are healthy, infact, it is impossible to be sick! So, our job is to keep our cells healthy by living a healthy lifestyle that includes diet, exercise, sleep, stress reduction, proper weight, and having meaningful purpose in our lives. If we follow these principles,...

Can Your Blood Pressure Medicine Make You Blind?

submitted by: admin on 06/06/2014
A study conducted over 25 years on 5000 people aged 43-86 from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine was published in the medical journal, Opthalmology, in May of 2014. This study documented that when drugs that dilate arteries to lower blood pressure, such as Apresoline (hydralazine) or Minipress (minoxidil...yes the same drug that is used to treat...

How the Sun Can Help You Lose Weight

submitted by: admin on 05/28/2014
Can the morning rays keep the pounds off? You bet! According to an article out of Northwestern University Medical Center published in the April issue of PLoS ONE, morning sunlight for 20-30 minutes between 8 am and noon can lower our body mass index by 20% over time! This means, according to this scientific study, that a 150 pound person would lose about...

Can Being Slim be Harmful to Your Health

submitted by: admin on 04/30/2014
Being underweight has a higher risk for dying than being overweight in older healthy people according to an article published in the March 2014 issue of the Journal  of Epidemiology and Public Health. This conclusion was based on a review of 51 studies that reviewed the links between body mass index (BMI) and death from any cause.  Results...

Treating Depression with Lifestyle

submitted by: admin on 04/25/2014
Today psychiatrists tend to use drugs to treat depression rather than dealing with the underlying problems or focusing on lifestyle measures. Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki report on three studies showing that poor diet, inadequate sleep, and depression have a profound effect on aggravating depression.  Studies from the University of Pittsburgh and Maryland...

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