Alzheimer's Disease Health Assessment

submitted by: admin on 10/15/2016


Our extensive Alzheimer's Health Assessment delves into how this disease affects your lifestyle, what drugs and supplements you are using to manage its symptoms, how thorough a work up was done to make the diagnosis, and how you can cope with this disease. 

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is like an electrical "brown out" that develops as energy production in certain brain cells begins to fail. Using nutritional tools makes it possible to resuscitate mitochondrial energy production and either stabilize or improve symptoms. Drugs are of known minimal value and they also have plenty of side effects. Lifestyle strategies such as mental and physical exercise can delay or prevent the onset of AD  and should always be part of an AD treatment regimen. It is also important ot know that there are many prescription medications that are "anti-cholinergic" that are discussed in the video below that can aggravate symptoms and should be avoided.


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