David Saputo, Resume

submitted by: admin on 03/29/2022

Professional Summary

Highly motovated with extensive customer service, technical skills and management skills

Conact Info

9709 W Thompson Rd

Couer D' Alene Id, 83814



Work History

Doctorsaputo.com - Website Administrator

Walnut Creek, CA - 01 / 2010 -  Current

Collect and respond to user feedback through iterative improvements to site structure and content.

Create consistant structual input format to maintain site continutity by authoring and implementing best practices for designers and conent providers.

Incorperate SEO techniques to verify maximal site exposure to search enging robots and crawlers.




Trinacria Realestate

Walnut Creek , CA - 01 / 2010 - 3 / 1 / 2020

Handled tennant complaints promptly and appropiately, repairing issues or calling in repairmen when neccesary.

Completed final move-out walk-throughs with tennants to identify required repairs.

Maintained operational facilities attractive to potential tenants by organizing regular maintenance, major repairs and capitol iimprovement projects.

Introduced prospective tennants to types of units availbe and prefomed tours of premises.

Monitored progress of projects and notified individuals of project updates, delays and schedule changes.

Evaluated and reccomended changes in rental pricing to remain competitive in market.

Bazzone Motors - Technician, Project Manager

Wanut Creek,  CA - 01 / 2016 - 03 / 2020

Fostered relationships with vendors to premote positive working relationships.

Identified, reviewed and applied policies and procedures.

Provided management for internal personnel, contractors and vendors.

Developed and initiated projects, managed costs, and monitored preformance.

Read manuals and manufacturer instructions to install and troubleshoot devices.

Orchestrated projects with strict timeframes and budget constraits by solving complex problems and working closely with senior leaders.

Executed diagnostics, troubleshooting and evaluations on projects.

Maintained quality assurance and custormer satisfaction objectives.

Managed projects from procurement to commision.

RS Racing Developments - Business Owner/ Operator

Mare Island , CA - 01 / 2003 - 02 / 2005

Oversaw end-to-end business processes to maintain proficiency and profitability.

Served as primary point-of-contact with suppliers and contractors to achieve inventory expectations.

Monitored staff perfomance, providing final - say assesment over inquiries.

Served as co-princapal stakeholder over organizations complete operations.

Trained and motivated employees to preform daily business functions.

Put together realistic budgets based upon costs and fees for succesful operating business.

Kept all building areas and equipment functional and well-organized to promote buisness performance.

Oversaw business buget planning and administation, accounting functions, purchasing and weekly payroll to handle financial needs.

Porsche Only - Owner/Operator Technician

Wanut Creek , CA - 01 / 1986 - 02 / 1995

Managed day-to-day business operations.

Consulted with customers to assess needs to propose optimal solutions.

Trained and motivated employes to perform daily business functions.

Enhanced operational efficiency and productivity by managing budgets, accounts and costs.

Recruited, hired and trained initial personnel, working to establish key internal functions and outline scope of positions for new organization.

Created and monitored promational approaches to establish key internal functions and outline scope of positions to increase sales and profit levels.

Reconciled daily sales,, returns and finacial reports in Quckbooks.

Assessed supplier quality to maintain tight cost controls and maximize bisiness operational performance.

Established, optimized and enforced business policies to maintain consistancy and high-quality standards across business operations.


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