Designs For Health: BroccoProtectâ„¢ 90 vegetarian capsules

submitted by: admin on 03/04/2025

Not all Broccoli Supplements are Created Equal...

There are currently over 500 journal publications, as well as documented epidemiological evidence, showing that diets rich in broccoli:

  • are chemoprotective and may reduce the risk of many forms of cancer.

  • promote reduction of PSA levels

  • possess anti-inflammatory properties

The BroccoProtect™ Advantage
BroccoProtect™ contains a specially cultivated form of broccoli seed known as BroccoRaphanin™. This proprietary and patented variety of broccoli, Brassica oleracea Hopkins, is particularly rich in glucoraphanin (better known as sulforaphane glucosinolate). Sulforaphane glucosinolate is the direct precursor to sulforaphane.

In Fact... 
You would have to consume 500 grams of Fresh Broccoli or 100 grams of sprouts to acquire the same level of sulforaphane that you can get fromone capsule of BroccoProtect containing 500mgs BroccoRaphanin™!

There are other choices available, but consider the BroccoProtect™ benefits not found in any other sulforaphane product:

  • all natural, vegetable concentrate

  • Supercritical CO2 extraction of broccoli seed – no chemical solvents are used in the extraction

  • unmatched stability

  • free of maltodextrin coating

How does sulforaphane work?
The dietary isothiocynate Sulforaphane targets numerous biological pathways that (1) modulate Phase I enzymes and (2) elevate Phase II enzymes that are present in all cells. 

Once inside the cells, it sends a signal to individual cellular enzymes that turns on the natural cellular defenses housed in all cells. In some cases, sulforaphane is capable of restoring the gene's activity towards normal cell progression. Cells are naturally equipped with their own internal defense system. Much of the cell’s ability to defend itself is due to two main factors, focusing on sulforaphane's ability to produce:

  • the antioxidants that quench harmful free radicals

  • detoxification enzymes to break down toxins.

To purchase this product, click here


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Serving Size: 1 Vegetarian Capsule

Recommended Use: As a dietary supplement, take one capsule daily with water or as directed by your health care practitioner.


Trademark Information: BroccoRaphanin® is a registered trademark of CS Health.

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