Does the Flu Vaccine Increase the Risk for Getting the Flu?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013


The scandalous swine flu vaccine is still being promoted by the CDC when it is clear that the vaccine is unproven to be of value, may not be safe, may increase the risk for getting the flu, and that its seriousness is no worse than the common cold. Nonetheless, two counties and many hospitals in northern California are mandated that health care professionals either take the vaccine or wear a mask during the flu season.

The fact that this kind of thinking exists is a testimony of the amazing lack of knowledge existing by the medical profession. Sadly, the conclusions of the CDC are blindly accepted. Few MDs and almost no hospital CEOs know much about infuenza or its vaccines. If you want a detailed review of this issue click here.


Does the Flu Vaccine Increase the Risk for Getting the Flu? (Video)

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