Dr. Saputo's Daily Health Tip

submitted by: admin on 03/10/2025

Dr. Saputo's Daily Health Tip:

This week Dr. Saputo will be talking about Heart Disease

Preventing Heart Attacks

Heart attacks are preventable through a healthy lifestyle. An unhealthy lifestyle leads to inflammation and the development of arterial plaque. Tests for early detection and risk factors are reviewed. Approaches for prevention are described.

Preventing Heart Attacks (Video)

The Best Heart Screening Tests with Beverly Rubik

There are a number of new tests that are not in the mainstream that take assessment of arteriosclerosis to a higher level. By measuring the pulse wave in a finger we can assess the state of vascular arteriosclerosis in the heart and brain and even reverse the amount of plague with interesting supplements. This simple and affordable test needs to be brought forward into medicine as a screening test at an early age and as a preoperative screening test as well.

A second test, called heart rate variability, is also very inexpensive, safe, and predictive of heart attacks, stroke, and all cause mortality. It assesses the sympathetic and parasympathetic balance as well. It predicts the hearts ability to adapt to different needs.

The Best Heart Screening Tests with Beverly Rubik (Audio)

Heart Attacks with Dr Len and Nurse Vicki


People with heart disease who don't fill their prescriptions have a much higher risk for death because of further heart attacks, congestive heart failure, and serious rhythm disturbances. Mainstream and complementary and alternative treatments are reviewed. There are many nutritional strategies that are also useful, but unfortunately physicians are not trained in nutritional medicine.



Heart Attacks (Video)

The videos below are only availble to Members of the Doctor Saputo Wellness Program at DoctorSaputo.com. Click here to learn more about all the member benefits you will recieve by becoming a member of this unique program!

Coronary Artery Stents: Do You Need One?

The logic of identifying blockages in the coronary arteries and opening them with either a stent or surgical bypass makes a lot of sense. However, logic does not always turn out to provide the correct answer. We do nearly 1 million stent procedures to open blocked arteries every year in the US but unless we do them in the acute setting of a heart attack they don't improve survival better than medications alone. They may improve angina, congestive heart failure and even heart rhythm abnormalities. too many MDs continue advising stents or bypass surgeries despite this data. What is not considered seriously is the benefit of lifestyle medicine for heart disease.

Overview of Heart Attacks with Dr. Len Saputo









The causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and consequences of heart attacks are reviewed. Laboratory tests to assess the extent and dangers of arteriosclerosis are described and mainstream and alternative forms of treatment  offered. Prevention and reversibility are reviewed.



Hypertension: Do You Have It?


Hypertension is often over-diagnosed when taken in the doctor's office; home blood pressures are far more reliable. Pre-hypertension is defined and possible solutions for mild hypertension are offered. It is not usually a lifelong disease and much can be done to get you off medication after you've learned to live a healthy lifestyle.



Using Lifestyle to Manage Hypertension with Dr. Len Saputo



Hypertension does not have to be permanent. It is related to the style in which we live our lives and we can modify that. Underlying causes and tools for treatment are described.


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