Finding Information on

submitted by: admin on 03/04/2025 has a wealth of information in it drawing upon our massive (and growing) Health & Wellness Media Library. We hope that you will take the time to explore what Dr. Saputo and our worldwide experts have to offer.

How do I find information on this site?

You can do this three ways:

1) Keyword Search

Keywords are associated with the Library Content Pages on this site. Each Content Page may contain text, audio or video information and can be found through one or more of these Keywords. Browse through this listing and click on any Alphabet Letter or Keyword to be taken to a listing of the Content Pages that apply.

Keyword Search

2) Library browsing

The library search can be accessed from the search bar at the top right corner of the site. Just type in the health condition you are looking for and the results will come right back. 

3) Health Assessments

The Health Assessments are the best way to get information from this site. You will need to sign up for the Dr. Saputo General Wellnees Program to access these assessments. We offer this program for Free and you can find more information on this below or by clicking here. Once you have signed up, you will have full access to the site and all our services from Health Assessments to a wealth of Premium Content.

After you are logged in, you will be on your personal Home Page. This page is custom tailored for you and will alert you to any Personal Health Assessments that are right for you. As you participate in these, you will be presented with supportive educational information from our massive (and growing) Health & Wellness Media Library. Many of these audio and video presentations are by Dr. Len Saputo or Nurse Vicki Saputo. They are typically short and clear and will provide you with sound and empowering information. The unique aspect of is that you ONLY get information that you asked for through your assessments.


The best way to find information is through our Heath Assessments. These assessments are reserved for members of Dr Saputo's General Wellness Program.


FULL PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP is available FREE as our way of inviting you to experience the benefits of full access for no risk... we believe you will see that we are doing our best to create a "new model" for health education.


Click here to join now, free 


Here are some of our most-viewed webpages that may interest you:


Weekly Health Tips by Dr. Saputo

Health Surveys and Assessments

Wellness Communities and Programs to Join on

Health Crisis in Japan After the Tsunami

Weight Management Support Assessment

"Biology of Belief" with Bruce Lipton

Our Library of Searchable Information

Dr. Saputo's Book "A Return To Healing"

Health Medicine Forum - A Community Healthcare Model

Quick Links to Healthcare Reform Information

Our Legal Disclaimer at


In the video below, Dr. Saputo explains the benefits of becoming a member of


Member Benefits for (Video)


We currently have 21 Health Assessments included in the Dr. Saputo General Wellness Program


Dr. Saputo's General Wellness Assessment

This is a one-time inquiry that Len Saputo, M.D. has designed to help assess your overall health and wellness status. When you are finished you will receive specific media files to help you begin your journey to wellness and vitality, do what is right for your situation, and feel better. This assessment will also lead you to other specific assessments that are listed below, if they are necassary. This assesment only takes a couple of minutes and provides the best way to find the information that is tailored to your specific needs, depending on how you answered the questions in the health assessment.



Atrial Fibrillation

Breast Cancer






Heart Attacks









Type 2 Diabetes


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