Health, Politics, and You: A Blog by the authors of A Return to Healing Page 3

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Health, Politics, and You: A Blog by the authors of A Return to Healing Page 3

Pollan: Universal Health Insurance Could Transform Agribusiness
Thu, 09/10/2009 - 14:09 — BBelitsos



Our book points briefly to the disturbing interface between agribusiness and the health insurance industry. But never before has the profound relationship between these two often destructive industries been summarized as well as in Michael Pollan’s Op-Ed piece “Big Food vs. Big Insurance” that appeared in The New York Times on September 10, 2009. And what is most encouraging is that Pollan—whose analysis of America’s food habits has long been singularly authoritative—sees a new light at the end of the reform tunnel that was not previously visible, at least to us.

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It's Time for Senator Max Baucus to Resign
Tue, 08/25/2009 - 17:14 — BBelitsos


Tell us it ain’t so, Max. Three disturbing phenomena seem to be converging around the person of Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.), chair of the most important Congressional committee working on health care reform. First: From his perch as head of the Senate Finance Committee, Baucus is increasingly taking center stage in the battle over health-care reform. Second, chairman Baucus has also emerged as the leading recipient of Senate campaign contributions from the health care industry, receiving nearly $1.5 million in 2007 and 2008. And finally, with Mr.

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Honor Ted Kennedy: Make Health Care a Right
Tue, 08/25/2009 - 09:30 — admin


Most of us know that recently departed Senator Ted Kennedy fought all his life for access to health care as a right for all Americans. He remained true to his almost religious passion for this cause even in his last year of life, as shown by the powerful speech in the link below. Inspired by his heroic work, liberal Democrats and progressives are vowing to fight harder than ever for single-payer health insurance—or, as a last resort, for the public insurance option now favored by most Democrats (including Kennedy, at the end) in their compromise with inside-the-beltway realities

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