Peaches Inhibit Breast Cancer Metastases

submitted by: admin on 04/28/2014

Based on studies on mice, the extract of peaches inhibit breasts cancer metastases. Scientists from Texas A&M published an article in the March 2014 issue of the Journal of Nutritional Chemistry implanted breast cancer cells in mice and discovered that peach extracts rich in polyphenols inhibited a marker gene in the lungs that reflected resistance for metastases to develop there. For humans, the equivalent dosage would be 2-3 peaches per day. 

Previous work has been done showing that the kernels of peaches, apricots, and almonds contain a chemical that may also inhibit cancer. Each of these kernels has a chemical called Laetrile (derived from the amygdalin in the kernels) that has been proposed to kill cancer cells. It has been suggested that the cyanide in Laetrile can be released by enzymes found only in cancer cells. Cyanide is thought to be the mechanism by which cancer cells are killed. 

Peaches Inhibit Breast Cancer Metastases (Video)

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