Praise by Doctors

submitted by: admin on 02/23/2025



A Return To Healing, Radical Health Care Reform and the Future of Medicine

Praise for A Return to Healing from the Medical Profession

“This book should be required reading for all health care professionals, medical students, pre-med students and everyone working to reform our current ‘disease management’ system…Our best hope is if all health care professionals in training and all those working on health care reform take the time to read this heart-felt, incisive, and illuminating account.”
—Donald I. Abrams, MD
Coeditor with Andrew Weil of Integrative Oncology
Chief of Hematology and Oncology, San Francisco General Hospital
Director of Clinical Programs, Osher Center for Integrative Medicine

“Dr. Saputo delivers his message with the same force and finesse that made him a world tennis champion…His message is right on point for everyone concerned about their own health and the health care of our nation.”
—Richard A. Kunin, M.D. Cofounder of the Orthomolecular Medical Society

“Len Saputo is a holistic physician who speaks with a great deal of experience and wisdom in encouraging us toward radical reform of the health care system…Thank you, Len Saputo, for this timely and ‘right-on’ book.”
—Bill Manahan, MD
Past President of the American Holistic Medical Association

“Amid the myriad proposals, the vision expressed in A Return to Healing stands out as exceptional—wise, workable, and utterly necessary to steer us from a disease-care model to an authentic, genuine, health care approach.”
—Larry Dossey, MD
Author of The Power of Premonitions and Reinventing Medicine

“Through his personal journey that began as a Duke University–trained MD and led to his being one of our most prominent integrative care practitioners, Len Saputo has seen it all. .. Len pilots us through our failing medical system and failing health to a brighter future of peak health and a system of health care that works.”
—Lee Lipsenthal, MD
Author of Finding Balance in a Medical Life
Past President of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine

“A remarkable book by a remarkable physician. Dr. Saputo offers insider insights into the practice and the politics of medicine as he gives us a prescription that can bring us healing as individuals and as a culture. If you've wondered what's wrong with medicine, and how to fix it, this book should be on your reading list.”
—Martin L. Rossman, MD
Author of Guided Imagery for Self-Healing

“Finally—the book to tell the whole truth about our ailing health care system and how to overhaul it. Len Saputo, MD, and co-author Byron Belitsos offer an honest and radically refreshing new strategy for reform that goes beyond the good intentions of whole-person healing. As a clinician, Saputo has worked out the nuts-and-bolts of integrative practice, and knows firsthand what it takes to keep patients well. His recommendations for transforming our current disease-centric, crumbling paradigm are brilliant, life- saving, and should be immediately adopted by the current administration.”
—Meg Jordan, PhD, RN
Department Chair, Integrative Health Studies, California Institute of Integral Studies

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